Chapter 4

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It's March and it's the World Figure Skating Championships and I was ready to have my long flight from Canada to Japan. I went downstairs and went to say my goodbyes to Mom and Grandmother. "Mother, Grandmother!" I ran and hugged them tightly. "(Y/n), we will miss you." I looked at my grandmother. "I will you too, grandmother. You will see it, right?" She looked at me and laughed. "I always will with your mother." I nodded. Mother helped me to take me to the ANA airport. "You have your ticket? Passport? Everything?" I looked and stated, "Check, check, and check. Mom you don't have to worry, I'll be fine." she nodded and took a deep breath. "Fine. Please, take care." I nodded and hugged her. I got out and grabbed my luggage and went inside. I waited for a bit since I was early and Coach Brian said to get here early and I could wait and read a book but, I was tired and decided to take a walk. with my luggage and saw Yuzuru walking in. "Yuzuru!" I yelled and saw me. I waved and he waved back and went towards him. "How are you doing such an early morning?" I asked him and shrugged. We talked for a bit and saw our teammates coming, including Brian. We followed him and got checked and now, we have to wait 13 hours and 20 minutes for the flight.

13 hours 20 minutes later...

That was an uncomfortable position I have slept in. "Brian, we're going to our hotels, right?" He nodded and we got the ride to take us to the hotel. "(Y/n), make sure you have it." I nodded and I was still confused about what he meant and I realized something...I forgot my outfit I'm competing. When we arrived, the recipient gave us the room we're staying in. I went inside closed the door and called Mary and she picked up. "Mary, my favorite former coach-" "(Y/n), I know you didn't call me, what did you forget?" I was taking a deep breath to tell her. "I forgot my outfit for the long program." It was silent and hanged up. I called her multiple times but, doesn't seem to respond. I heard a knock and open the door. "Javier, what are you doing?" He smiled and said, "I and Yuzuru want to take a visit around the town, would you like to join us?" I thought about it and nodded. "Sure, let me change. Wait for me in the lobby." He nodded and left. I change a simple pink and jeans and grabbed my bag and left. I got to the lobby and saw them. "Hello, now let's go. Yuzuru will tell us what food we're eating." We laughed and started to head out and to be honest, this is the distraction I needed to not worried about my outfit for tomorrow.


Mary p.o.v

When (y/n) she forgot her outfit for her long program, I hanged up and called her mother. "Hello, how's her outfit for the long program?" "It's...she has to use my outfit." I felt cold all of the sudden. "You can't, your outfit from the skating world is legendary." "I know but, it's the only way. Besides, she chooses the music I did when I won the gold but, she doesn't know it, yet. Please, take my outfit to my daughter." "Okay, I will. I'll book the next flight for it." I hanged up. I thought for the moment when (y/n) will do the same thing in and same shoes of what her mother did before she retired from the skating career. No one was able to do the hard triple toe, triple lutz, and the triple axel but in the half. (Y/n) is attempting to do the hard jumps which could cause an injury for her. I hope she doesn't find out her mother won a gold medal before she went to the Olympics. I called (y/n) about her outfit but seems her phone is off. I have to go to the airport for the next flight in Japan. I hope she doesn't find out her father is a famous Olympian and known for his signature skate the hydro blade. I'm not going to be surprised if she tried to do one of the elements.


(Y/n) p.o.v

"Thanks, Javier. I really needed a distraction." He smiled and we all left for our hotel rooms. Before I entered I heard, "(Y/n), good luck." He smiled and hugged me. I hugged him back. "You too, yuzu." We pushed away and entered our own room. I just hope my outfit comes tomorrow.

The next day...

Today I'm preparing myself and my stuff to get in the arena. I went to the elevator to go to the lobby and wait for the coach and the others. when I got to the lobby Brian went up to me and said, "You can go in, we're just waiting for two people." I nodded and went into transportation. It was just a few minutes and we left to go to the arena of the championship. I just hope I can get the gold and my outfit come in time.

We got there and I went to pay a visit to yuzuru since he's competing today in the short program. "Yuzu! Here you go." I gave him his necessary and his always friend, Pooh. "Thank you, (y/n)." I smiled. "Are you nervous?" "A little, are ready to compete?" I nodded and we laughed. "I have to go, you have to prepare and I don't want to miss your performance." Before I left, I kissed him on the forehead. I left quickly and before I did I said, "That's a good luck kiss!" I smiled and left. I could tell he smiled. I went to find my seat to start watching the skating program and finding my motivation to get a medal and coming home with another success. Before I sat down I saw...

Cliffhanger! I know, sorry. but if you love my previous chapter, please vote! Also, I'm updating this story every Friday and make sure to stay in tune with what (y/n) saw. Thank you for reading!!

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