Chapter 41: The Sad Ending

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A few years later...

It has been a few years and their marriage was good well for them, on the other side, it wasn't going well for (y/n). It's been two years since they were married, and they're expecting a child that is 4 weeks away. She went to the doctor's office to make sure the baby is healthy, and also her well-being is too. One thing to another, it was when she heard the devastating news.

(Y/n) p.o.v

It was the morning and Yuzuru will be busy, so I decided to go to the doctor's appointment by myself. Once I got there, I filled out the paper form, I waited for a bit until the doctor calls me. It wasn't even for 15 minutes, the doctor called me. We did an ultrasound to see the baby is doing well. "I heard you wanted to see me, not only because of the baby, correct?" The doctor asked and I nodded and explained how I was feeling for the past week. She nodded and did some tests to see if nothing was wrong with me. "I'll give you a call when the test results are done, have a nice day," she said and I left and went home and started to felt a bit dizzy. I took a seat and thought it was stress over the pregnancy.

It was the evening and eating dinner with yuzu and discussing what the baby should be named. "Yuzu, I have some ideas for the baby name for our son to be born son," I said and he smiled and nodded. "I was thinking or thought if we could name him in a Japanese named," he said shyly and I chuckled and nodded. Dinner went great, even talked about the past in our skating career, even the promise I made to myself on the day when we were wedded.


It was the reception, the only amount of 60 people were and we were greeting the guest and thanking them to come to our wedding. I was talking with some people and started to comment and talk about my third gold Olympic game from 2-3 years ago. I felt uncomfortable and started to say, "When you have children, will they follow your footstep, same as yuzuru, right?" I faked smiled and replied, "It depends what they want to pursuit." With it said, I excused myself and talked to the guest. What they don't know the truth behind the skating world. From the Olympics, I was placed third in my short program and 2nd in my free skate but managed to get first place overall. I vow to myself in the future, I won't let my future child go through what I had to go through. Importantly, when it's dirty being in it.


I lost in thought and didn't focus on what yuzuru was talking to me about. "(Y/n)? Is there something in your mind?" He asked and snapped back to reality, I replied, "I was thinking about naming our son Akio or Daisuke. Well, time to clean up, it's time for us to get some rest since we have a long day for tomorrow." He nodded and helped me get up since I felt I started to get weaker on doing the simple things. Once we were resting in our room, he stated with a worried voice, "Darling, I'm worried about you right now and your well-being in your pregnancy." I face him and smiled, and replied with a soft voice, "I'm doing alright yuzu, there's nothing to worry about." I started to worry about myself but decided not to show him how I felt, even though it's nothing much, by my conscience is telling me something isn't going to be right once I give birth to my son.

The next day, yuzu decided to make breakfast since the condition of my fatigue started to get worse. He brought breakfast to my bed and decided to help me 4 weeks before my labor day. I insisted that I was doing fine, but based on my lie, it isn't. I agreed and didn't finish the breakfast he made since I didn't have the appetite of eating more. After that, he helped me get out of bed and decided to start sleeping in the guest room on the first floor since he felt it was the best for me. I decided to read something to pass the time and notice the mail in front of me. I grabbed it with ease and saw the mail from the doctor. I opened it and notice it was going to be good news for me and for yuzuru once he comes back from groceries.

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