Chapter 24

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(Y/n) p.o.v

I was in the cab while getting on my way home since it was a really long flight I had and was a tiring one. I was lost in thought and didn't notice my father was calling me. "Hello Father, how are you and mom?" I asked making sure they were okay. "We're doing great sweetie. Are you heading home to us?" He asked and I replied, "No, Granny wanted me to go see her after I landed, why?" I asked and he responded, "Oh, just making sure you're heading there safely. I have to go now, take care. We love you," he said with a happy tone and I responded back, "I will love you guys too." With that, I hung up the called and I sense something was going on but didn't bother.

A while ago...

Shoma p.o.v

I was nervous and was playing with my fingers and decided to go up to Eleanor and ask her on a date. When I'm next to her, I tapped her shoulder and asked, "Hey Eleanor, can I ask you something?" She nodded and I took a deep breath and said without hesitation, "Would you like to go on a-" before I could be finished, her phone was ringing. "Just a moment Shoma," she said and I nodded. While I was looking at the time making sure we don't miss the flight, I heard Eleanor scream in excitement. "Really! Thank you so much, send it where we usually do business. I'll talk to you later," She hung up with her phone call and turn to me and asked, "What were you going to say?" I took a deep breath and continue where I left off, "Wouldyouliketoonadatewithme?" I didn't realize I said it quickly and she asked me, "I didn't catch it since you talked quick," I apologize to her and said a normal speed. "Eleanor, would you like to go on a date with me?" With that said she hugged me and replied, "I would love to go on a date with you," she smiled and I hugged her back. I didn't realize there was a paparazzi taking a photo.


Eleanor p.o.v

I'm at (Y/n)'s parents' house since you could say my uncle/father and (y/n)'s aunt kicked me out of the family, which I don't mind. I was on my computer and waiting for my dear partner in crime to send me the blackmail. Not long, (y/n) came to me and asked, "Do you have the information?" I shook my head notice she already sent it to me and pressed it quickly and started to download it. "I received it now, but it's going to be some time when the download of information is ready," they nodded understanding but, right now it's a tough situation.

After only 15 minutes, I took my drive off and went to the kitchen and yelled, "Get the car ready, only 45 minutes until she announces." He nodded and I grabbed my coat and told my auntie, "Don't worry, I hope we could make it in time," she nodded and went left. He was waiting outside and I got in and he started to drive. "How many minutes we are going to get there?" I asked and he responded quickly, "Around 35-40 minutes, I'll try to speed up," I nodded and I contact (y/n) and luckily she picked up the phone, "Hey cousin, where are you?" I asked impatiently. "I'm 5 minutes away from granny's house, why?" she asked and not knowing she could announce a relationship she doesn't want to be in. "Nothing. Before you go there, could you buy a small delicious cake, just don't ask." I told her and she understood and hung up. "I hope that could buy some time, besides, the bakery she's buying the cake is full of people and could us a bit of time to get there before she does," I stated and looked over the information I got. 

Warning: some of this mentions violence, rape, assassination, and more. If you're uncomfortable reading this part, then please skip.

Aiden Ho was well known for his fencing career and was about to go to the Youth Olympics 4 years ago, but got disqualified for getting caught trying to bribe the judge to win. Another thing, he scams people and mostly girls and forces them to send n**** and would blackmail them if he doesn't get what he wants...Four years ago, he bribes the Russian judge from the ISU to not let (Y/n) (L/n) win the gold medal and let one of the Russian ladies win the gold...He went to clubs at the age of 16 and drugged some girls and **** them...He went to juvenile for 3 months and harass girls at his school...His parents bribe the people to not the media know that the "future CEO" name gets ruined. The parents threaten one of the prestigious universities if they didn't let their son in. They also bribe the people of the community of the Olympics to let him in for the 2016 Summer Olympics from last year and for the 2020 Summer Olympics; that's coming up for two years for fencing.

After I read the documents and reading the paper explaining what happened and how it causes made me disgusting what's he's doing. "Based on what I read, that guy is disgusting." I stated and he took a peek and said to me, "I know what type of guy he is," he said and I looked at him confused. Before he could continue, my phone rang. "Tell me after the press conference," he nodded and I looked who it was and it was Yuzu. "Hey yuzuru, what do you need?" I asked him and he said, "I'm doing fine, since I'm on my way to the press conference," when he said it, I asked if he's going to ********(some direction). "Yes since they are going to ask me about the Olympics," when he said it, I replied quickly, "Okay, call me when you get there," he agreed and I hung up. I started to get nervous about whats' going to hear if we get in time.

(Y/n) p.o.v

I don't understand why Eleanor wanted me to buy cake, but it was a long line, and managed to get out. I arrived at my Grannys' place, I knocked on the door and she answered. "Hello, (y/n)! Oh, is that cake for me?" She asked and I felt something off about her. "Yes, I wanted to buy something before I came here," I replied and she nodded and took the cake from my hands. "Anyways, we need to get on the press conference, don't we?" She asked and I nodded, but before we left, I told her I need to change and she let me change and do my hair and a little of my makeup.

Once we got there and enter the conference room, I saw reporters taking pictures and when I saw Yuzu, I gave him a small smile and he smiled back; one thing I didn't know was my granny was watching me. I was walking up to the desk where I need to sit while the reporters ask me questions. I sat next to Yuzuru while granny sat one seat after the left. I was wondering why that seat was empty. "Thank you for coming, we just need to wait for one more person to come," said the person who is holding the press conference. One thing led to another was something I wasn't expecting, "No need to wait, I'm here." My face dropped and I felt my face went pale. He came up to us and sat next to me. "You can start," he said calmly and I knew I fell into a trap.

Eleanor p.o.v

"We're here, I'm dropping you off while I go park. I'll catch up to you," I nodded and grabbed the papers and my things, and started to run. Once I got in the building, I ran surpassing everyone, and got to the venue of the conference press. I opened the doors quietly and sneaked in and managed to not get caught. I sat down and took a deep breath while I heard a question going to Aiden, "Since you won the gold of 2016 Rio Olympics, are you going to participate in the 2020 Olympics?" he asked and he nodded and replied, "Yes, but before I go to participate, I want to announce my engagement to the public," when he stated, a lot of reporters were taking pictures and (y/n) was getting worried and went pale like she has seen a ghost. I need to save her from the engagement he's going to announce.

What would happen? Will (y/n) be able to get out of the engagement? What will her father do to save her daughter? Find out in the next chapter!

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