Chapter 29

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During the reception... (The reception was at (y/n) house since their house is almost like a mansion, just FYI)

It was the reception and it was beautiful since it was indoors and I was sitting at table 3 with Yuzu, mother, father, and Javier. We were talking while eating food and chatting with each other. To be honest, I did well to myself of the reception I did. Before it was Eleanor and Shoma's first dance, I promised her to play the piano at her wedding, I'm surprised she remembers.

One year ago...

It was a rainy day and I didn't go to practice since my ankle was about to be injured and called Coach that I won't practice and will return in 2 days. I sitting on the piano bench looking at the keys. "Hey, what you looking at?" Eleanor asked while eating her pear. I responded, "I'm just looking at the piano, do you want to me play something?" I asked and she nodded. I started to play gently and started to play Memory from Cats. It was one of my favorite music and it was the song I first played. I was lost in the music, I could tell Eleanor was surprised how good I was playing like my hands were jumping and dancing around. After I finished, she clapped and I thanked her. "Hey, if it's possible, could you play at the wedding reception when I get married?" She asked a bit hesitant, and I nodded and she smiled brightly. "Thank you, I could trust you what to play. It better be something I would remember from my wedding day!" She said and I could tell she has been planning this since she was little, but, what can I say? She's like a person you can't say no to.


I took a sip from my water glass and took a deep breath and went up to everyone and cling my glass to make sure I got everyone's attention. "Hello everyone, I hope you guys are having a wonderful evening for the newlyweds," I said smiling while everyone else was clapping for them. "Before we go to the first dance of the couple, I would want to perform something for my dear cousin and for everyone, hope you enjoy it," I said and put my glass down and made my way to the piano. I sat down and took a deep breath and began to play. I started to play Mariage D' Amour from Richard Clayderman since the music made me think about their wedding. Since it was a surprise, why not. While I was playing and losing in the music, I could my cousin was crying and by the tell of it, I'm guessing it's her favorite piece. I was lost in thought about the music and my future, wondering if I will be able to have a family. I started to tear up, it wasn't noticeable for the people to see I was actually crying. After I finished the last note, the people were clapping and my cousin went up to me and hugged me and whisper to me, "It was the music it was played when my parents got married," I hugged her tightly and she lets go and said, "Thank you, I really wanted to feel when someone plays the same music where my parents were married to," She said and I replied, "Be sure to take care of him, you really deserved someone like him, " I said and she nodded. I stepped back and told everyone, "It's time for the married couple's first dance," I said happily and walked back where the table I'm sitting in.

It was a long night, but worth it. "I'll see you in 4 weeks," I told Eleanor and she nodded. After she was off, Yuzuru and I started to head back since it was a tiring night. "(Y/n), let's go somewhere private, I want to talk to you about seriously," yuzu said and I nodded. I followed him where the garden since it was outside of the house I'm living in. "The night looks beautiful," I said trying to break the silence. "It is, how many years have we first met?" he asked and I smiled remembering when I first met him at the 2014 Sochi winter Olympics. "It's been 6 going to 7 years. Time passes by quickly, huh." I stated and made me reflect on how being with yuzu was not a regret, it was fate or coincidence. "Why do you ask, yuzu?" I asked him and we stop and he faces me and holds my hands and took a deep breath. "I want to say, I love and I will always be by your side, even when the times are difficult," when he said it, it made me tear up a bit. "I want you to turn around and count to ten," he said and I was confused and in the end he convinced me. "1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10," when I said ten, he replied, "You can turn around." When I did, I saw him on one knee with a ring and continue saying, "(Y/n), I was in love with you since the day we started to train together and I wanted to ask you this question, will you marrying me and love me now and in the future?" When he asked, I didn't hesitate and said, "Yes, I will marry you Yuzu!" He put the ring on me and I hugged him tightly and was crying since it was a special day for the both of us. "You don't know how happy I am," he said while he was looking at me. "You know much I'm feeling right now." We looked at each other and we lean in and kiss around for 1 minute. 

Father's p.o.v

"I'm glad he proposed, I was getting a little impatient," I said to my wife. "Shut it, I know you want him to be your son-in-law soon as possible," she said to me and I nodded in agreement. We laughed and we looked at them and remembering the day we met each other and how we are here right now. "I'm glad you didn't marry anyone while I was gone, Eliza," I said while looking at her. She smiled and replied, "I didn't want to marry the man that didn't make me feel the way you do, William. I'm glad you're back now," she said and I hugged her tightly. "What would I do without you, my dear?" I asked while we were looking at them. "Also, don't pressure them to make us grandchildren, I know you want a grandchild," she said jokingly. "I won't, let's go inside, it's starting to get cold," I stated and she nodded. Please take good care of her Yuzuru Hanyu.

Thank you for reading today's chapter! Sorry to disappoint you that there won't be a second chapter, I will try to post it tomorrow or Sunday. Also, thank you for the 3.4k reads, I really appreciate it!

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