Chapter 10

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(Y/n) p.o.v

It's been a few days since the doctor's office. I was in my room packing and thinking about what happened that day. Eleanor is in one of the guest rooms since she's staying until our flight to Finland. I decided to check on her and knock on the door. "Eleanor, it's me. Can I come in?" I heard her opening the door and let me enter. "How are you doing?" I asked of curiosity to her and took a sigh. "Good, but confused. Why didn't my uncle told me that I was healed and wasn't at risk condition?" She looked at the ground and frowned for a bit. I sat down on one of the chairs and said, "Don't worry about now. Besides, have you packed yet? We're going to be leaving soon." She nodded and took out her suitcase and started packing. I left and close the door behind me. I went to my room and got my suitcase and my two duffel bags. I waited for another hour until we leave for the airport.

At the airport...

It was long traffic and I didn't want to talk to Eleanor since she has a lot to take in. I saw Coach, Yuzuru, Javier, and Shoma. "Hello, I hope you guys don't mind me bringing my step-cousin." I heard a small chuckle from Eleanor, she'll never stop laughing at it. "We don't mind, how's your wrist (y/n)? The last time you came back you accidentally hit your wrist on the ice the next day after you came back." I laughed and looked straight at Javier. "Look my wrist Javi, it's better. The good thing it wasn't my ankle." I chuckled and looked at Yuzuru. "I hope you're ready for the short and the free program," He said while looking at me with a small smile. "I'm not good like you since you're on the streak of winning first place," Yuzuru said truthfully and I know I can't break it. I looked at my time and said, "It's almost our flight, prepared your bags to get on board." We heard our flight and we got on board. I got a seat next to yuzuru and Eleanor is sitting next to Shoma. I saw them making small talk and I started to talk with yuzuru. "How are you with the injury?" He sat comfortably and said, "Doing fine, hopefully. Ready for your long program?" I shook my head and stated, "People will be thinking I will complete the three elements is one." He was looking at my hands and they were shaking. He holds my hand and smiled, "You will do it." I nodded and looked at the window. I started to blush. I blushing, no (y/n). He's your FRIEND, not your boyfriend. I shook my head and continue looking at the window. I turn around to see what Eleanor is doing and saw Javier, Shoma, and herself smirking at me. "Why are you guys yous smirking?" I whispered quietly making sure Yuzuru doesn't listen. "You want to know why?" Eleanor asked in a soft speaking voice. I nodded wanting to know why. Javier spoke in a low voice, "You and Yuzuru are holding hands like a young couple." They laughed quietly. I looked to by my side and turn to them and stated angrily, "I'll deal with both of you guys when we land." I turned around and sat comfortably in my seat. "Did something happened?" Yuzuru asked and I shook my head. "No, just making sure Eleanor is doing good." He nodded and took a deep breath for this long plane ride.

A Few Hours Later...

I felt a tap on my should and woke up and saw Eleanor and Javier with Shoma. "You're finally awake, I'll send you the picture later." What picture? I thought for a moment and Javier interrupted my thoughts, "Before you leave, make sure you wake up Yuzuru. You guys were really cozy when you both slept." He smiled and left. Before I could wake him up, I yelled at them, "You guys better not show it to anyone!" I turned around and figuring out how to wake him up. "Yuzuru, pooh is missing," I whisper in his ear and got up quickly, I laughed. "Your awake, now grab your stuff, we're here." I got and grabbed my stuff and left.

I got to the hotel and notice Eleanor is going to be sharing a room with me since I don't want her to feel alone. "Hello, it took time for you to get here." I laughed and dropped my bags on the bed. "Yep, now give me your phone." She looked at me seriously and she knows what she's talking about. "Nope. Besides, Javier saved the photo of you and yuzuru sleeping in the plane and so did Shoma." I sighed. "Be sure to eat before you compete," Eleanor said and gave me snacks of fruits. I smiled and said, "Thanks, you have your stuff ready since we're leaving soon." She nodded and grabbed both of my duffle bags. I went to change my everyday practice clothes and left the hotel room. We were having a conversation getting to the arena. "Are you ready to do your two elements of three differents jumps?" I nodded and made sure the three dresses that I'm performing are there, even the skates. "Hey, is white your favorite color?" I said, "No, why would you think white is my favorite color?" She stated, "The color of your guard skates." I chuckled and said, "My favorite color is (f/c), they didn't have it some white is the closest and a good color." She nodded and we got in transportation. "You made sure your water bottle is there, right?" I nodded and sighed relieved.

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