chapter thirteen

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percy ended up leaving the throne room in chaos,'they didn't know percy was hiding in the corner enveloped in a shadow. watching the whole exchange.'  Zues yelling at his older brother as poseidon sat there shocked and slightly frightened at his own son. "Hestia, sister." poseidon said, looking over at his older sibling. "did you know that perseus had known about all of his abilities?" he asked. hestia sighed, shaking her head, "im afraid not, he has been very secretive lately, even with his own lover. i dont even believe if he had told anyone yet about his time in hell." she stated, her figure slumping slightly.

poseidon leaned against the armrest of his throne, his hand covering his eyes; he had seemed to grow years older than he was. Zues spoke up, his voice thundering around the room, "we must keep eyes on perseus, we can not let the enemy get to him. he is now more powerful than more than half the olympians, if he roames free; it will end badly for all of us." Artemis' eyes flashes, slamming the blade of her dagger into her pure silver throne, "i object! perseus is the most loyal person you will ever know! if you do this to him, he will never forgive any of us. escpecially his father." she hissed the last part, glaring harshly at all of them. Zues' eyes flashed dangerously, a curling smirk taking over his lips, "and that is why, he will never know we are watching him."

Artemis practically radiated anger, her auburn hair seeming to float slightly as her silver eyes
glowed hatefully, "then you must have underestimated him, because he is not as oblivious as he seems. he acts this way, so you all will think no more than what he wants you to think of him. he is capable of being so powerful, that he destroys the world and creates a new one just for him and his family. he knows what everyone of you think of him, and it hurts him so much to know that you think of him so little. if you watch him, he will know, he will feel your eyes lingering on his every move, burning into him. so naive  to think you can stalk him." 

she stood and flashed out of the silent room, leaving to go back to her hunters. apollo soon spoke up after his sister left, breaking the deafening silence; "she's right you know, you'll never be able to watch percy without him knowing. he's been through too much to be oblivious to his surroundings."  he said, slowly standing from his golden throne. he started walking towards the doors of the throne room, "if you were smart father, i woudn't want to get on a newly and very powerful gods badside." and with that, he left the the room.


when percy arrived back in the tower, he was very concerned and confused. peter was on the ceiling, supposedly trying to get away from peitro. natasha and wanda were talking to each other, natasha doing wanda's hair. steve was talking to tony in the corner, tony most likely flirting with the old world war II veteran. bruce was on one of the couches reading a book with clint sprawled on his lap as clint played a game on his phone. vision was staring out the window with a blank face as he floated. thor was nowhere to be seen, percy had a suspision that he was raiding the kitchen. loki was probably in the library, wanting to be in the quiet. percy's brows furrowed in even more confusion, he looked around the room again. he shook his head walked towards the elevator, trying to look for his lover. "jarvis, wheres jason?" he asked the AI.

"mr. grace is in the training room sir." jarvis said, "thank you." percy said, dissapearing into a mist and appearing in front of the training room doors. he took a deep breathe before entering, he saw jason pounding at a punching in the corner of the room. he could feel the anger rolling off of him in waves, "jason..?" percy said, trying to catch his attention.

Jason froze, his punch stopping in mid air. he turned to percy with a glare, his eyes flashing. "what did you do?" he asked harshly. percy's eyes widened, flinching as he started to walk closer. "nothing, all i was doing was talking to the gods." he said. jason gritted his teeth, "yet, you come back as one, and you have a different appearence." he growled. "it was for a prophecy! it wasn't my choice jason!" percy yelled. "that doesn't change anything! you were gone for hours upon hours, i didn't know what was going on!" jason clenched his fists and stalked closer to perseus.

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