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So you know how sometimes the tower can get boring, so what better way to solve that problem, then by annoying the team with my dimwitted personality. Now I'm not stupid enough to mess with Natasha, or bird brains, because I'll end up with something shot off, and that would be very, very bad.

Brucie has already gotten used to me and my daily actions, which had in the end, ruined all my fun. Then there is point break, who might i say, has a lot of unnecessary power and a temper to match with it. i am not that stupid, well at least I am not without my iron man suit.

This leaves my favorite avenger, Captain America, also known as Steve, which I call capsikle, because why fucking not. And dear ole' Rogers was currently beating the shit out of some poor poor boxing bag in the gym.

I quietly walk over to him and smirk, holding in a snicker. Oh, how this is gonna be fun.

"Come on capsickle, Pepper punches harder than that."

"What do you want Stark, can't you see I'm busy" he growled, and went back to demolishing the poor bag, that honestly looked worse than the nazi's at the moment.

"Well, can't you see I'm bored."

"Go bother someone else, just leave me out of your shenanigans."

"Nahh, I don't feel like getting shot or barbecued today"

-pew pew-

"So, how are you Miss Lady Liberty?"

"Call me that again, and I'll shove that armour of yours up your--"


"Hang on a minute, J, I think Stevey here was about to say his first curse word." I had to reply, smirking at the pissed looking blonde.

"I am gratefully sorry sir, but, director fury has called an emergency meeting with the avengers."

"Thanks j. Well come on cap, time to go to work"

-_-bob is watching you -_-
3rd pov

In a matter of a few 1000 seconds the team was setting around in the conference room, around the unusual large metal table with a very pale looking Nick Fury.

"Alright team, I have good news, and some shitty news, which one do you want to hear first." The dark skinned male started, looking around the room as he crossed his arms over his large chest.

"Shitty." The read-headed female said, her face void of any emotion besides the small glint in her eyes, which only few care to see.

"Well it seems that we have some new enemy's." The director of a very dangerous group of agents said, "and they are very dangerous."

"I don't see the problem, we stopped an alien invasion of giant fugly creatures, how is this any different from before?" The Archer in the room stated, raising a brow.

"Well it seems that we don't have the right type of technology to kill these sons a bitches," Fury growled, his eye darkening as a deep sound vibrated through his chest.

"Wait! Stop right there, what do you mean we don't have the right tech? You're 'S.H.IE.LD', I thought you had everything on everyone." Mr. Alcohol yelled, slamming his hands on the table as he stood.

"Shut up Stark, I wasn't finished, so sit the fuck down."

"Fine," Tony grumbled, plopping down in his seat with a pout.

"We are dealing with gods again, just this time, from our world." everyone's eyes widened in disbelief, well besides Thor's, he just Shrunk some in his seat.

"You mean like God, as in God, God." Captain said nervously.

"No, well at least not yet, I'm talking about the Greek and Roman gods" he said.

Thor's eyes grew huge, he stood from his chair so fast that it crumbled to the ground.

"What about them? Are the rumors true about what is happening, now that the war is won" he asked frantically, slightly pale.

"I don't know about any rumors, I just know that all the monsters they have killed are back, and not only after their children but mortals too. We do not possess the weaponry to kill them, but they do."

"So what, are they going to hand some weapons over, or do we have to take them." Natasha said, raising a brow as she crossed her legs and arms, leaning back in her chair.

"I would not do such things friend, the Greeks and Romans are ruthless, and known for their fighting through out my world, especially the children." Thor said deathly calm.

"Exactly, which is why we are doing neither, the gods confronted me, saying that they would pick two of their best warriors to join us to fight."

"Who and when?" asked Clint.

"I don't know who is coming, but they will be here at sun set, and they want to meet us on the roof."

"Wait, sun set is in an hour."


"So, What's the good news?"

"You get two new playmates."


Eek, again, I'm sorry for taking your story Hell_Kat. Please don't hurt me-

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