chapter 17- healing

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Percy sat himself on the couch that sat on the balcony outside his window. A blanket was wrapped around his shoulders, a cup of hot cocoa in his hands- his mom's special recipe. he sighed softly and tucked himself comfortably in the corner of the couch, staring out at the city, hearing the cars and busses buzz by.

he wondered how he got himself here, in this building with his lover and most of all, the avengers. he's caused so many deaths along his path, fought two wars, and was even kidnapped. He supposes that fate has a lot more in store for him, with him now being immortal. He wondered if his lover dying had a part to play in it, he guessed it did.

He looked over as he heard the glass door slide open, noticing as Jason peaked his head out. the blond smiled. Percy patted the cushion next to him with a soft smile.

"Hi there, love." Percy flushed a slight cherry blossom pink color at his words, emitting a quiet giggling. Jason smiled pleased, happy that he could put that on his partners face. "What are you doing out here all by yourself?"

"I suppose it was a comfort thing mostly." he lifted his cocoa once Jason sat down. "Needed to think, I guess. Want some?"

Jason nodded and let Percy lift the mug to his mouth, smiling as the cream and cinnamon touched his lips when he took a sip. "Ooh, that is delicious."

Percy giggled, hiding his mouth behind his mug. "it's my mom's recipe."

"Tell me?" Jason gave his puppy dog eyes, leaning in close to Percy. "Never!" Percy grinned, his cheeks turning darker. Jason gave a soft pout, letting himself fall into the others lap. "Why not?" he blinked his lightning-colored eyes up at Percy, looking deep into their deep-sea green ones.

"Because it's a secret, you silly little blond thing." Jason groaned at his lover's words, "I can't just tell you my mom's secrets," he pokes Jason on the nose, "that would be bad."

Jason rolls his eyes, "why so mean to me?"

"i have to be sometimes." Percy places a hand on Jason's stomach, humming happily when the blond held it. he sipped more of his cocoa.


When Percy next saw Jason, it was in the library. He didn't talk to him at first, more... sitting off to the side while he watched the other read. He liked how Jason's face contorted into different emotions as he read. Percy always found Jason to be a beautiful person, with how his hair began to curl around his ears and how his sky-colored eyes shined when he was excited. He liked the fact that Jason wasn't scared to wear those gold rimmed glasses that Jason always swore he hated. Percy liked the fact that he could press his hand into Jason's tummy and feel the softness of the Blond's skin without feeling like he was intruding, he absolutely loved how he could stare at Jason for hours without the other complaining.

Percy usually wasn't a picky person. But sometimes, he liked to be. He liked how he could be picky about the way Jason would press against him. He liked how Jason would let him press kisses against his light caramel skin when the sun would hit certain spots. He likes how Jason is always willing to go to the beach with him, even if all he was doing was watching him.

Percy loves Jason with all his heart.


Percy has always liked it when Jason would press kisses to his back as they slept. He's always liked it when Jason would smile at him as the other's hands crept further down. he liked how the man's calloused hands would press into his skin, how the roughness would make him feel loved. he loved how the soft sounds Jason made, make him feel like he is on a high. How when he presses kisses against the Blond's skin as his hands travel across his chest, the man would gasp such sweet sounds.

He especially loved that when they made love, Jason's eyes would almost seem to glow, and Percy could feel sparks of electricity flow through his body. The high he felt afterwards was worth everything.


"you're staring."

Percy heard the quiet husk tone of Jason's voice whisper across the bed. He let his eyes blink slowly as he reached a hand out to trail a finger across the other's face. "I didn't realize you were awake yet." He felt more than he heard Jason laugh, "It's hard not to wake when your pretty eyes are boring into my soul like that."

The son of the Poseidon grinned a dopey little thing that made his cheeks flush just the slightest and he pressed closer, his other hand grasping the other side of Jason's face. "What do you expect me to do? not stare at you?" His giggle didn't last long but it was still there, and he giggled once more, "I can't help it, you just always look so delightful." he gives a soft shrug, "you're pretty, and you're mine."

Jason leaned forward to press a kiss against Percy's nose with a soft huff of laughter, "of course that's why, you goof."

Percy flushed happily, his hands shifting slightly to hold Jason's face more. "I'm glad i get to wake up to your face. To your golden hair shining in the sun, to your soft caramel skin glittering with unawaken trimmers." his eyes search his lover's face, watching as the other's own eyes fluttered slightly, "i love that i get to wake up with those pretty blue eyes of yours, to the scrunch of your face as you try and hide away from the light. and i love that i get to watch the light dance across your skin when i wake first, because i get to see to sun glitter on your shoulder blades. it always does its best to remind me that you're more than a dream."

Jason hummed softly,"I don't deserve you." the blond blinked slowly, reaching out to brush his fingers through Percy's hair."you deserve the Universe, for all the pain you have been through."

Percy seems to almost tear up at the others words, his grip on Jason's face tightening just the bit as he pulled him closer, "you're so kind Jason, so so kind. I don't know what I would do without you in my life."

Jason smiles happily and kisses Percy.

Ah, it's been a while, hasn't it?
So sorry for the long hiatus, had a bit of a writer's block on this story for way to long. It's also a little short, sorry.

[January 27th,2023]

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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