Chapter 5: Tournament of Troubles

Start from the beginning

Everyone looked at her even the coach and she smiled nervously. She then looked at Ryan confused.

"We never play singles why are we playing singles?" She asked him.

"I don't know. I haven't played singles since sophomore year. I don't even know what he's thinking right now." Ryan said back, "Let's go and ask him after he's done."


After the Coach announced all the names it was time for everyone to clean up and head back home. Lyrica and Ryan got up from the floor and walked towards Coach Reed.

"I knew you guys would ask questions." He smiled at the two of them.

"What's up with us playing singles Coach Reed? We're already playing mixed doubles and we have been for the past two years." Lyrica said in a confused tone.

"Now hold on." Coach Reed placed his clipboard into his bag, "I know you guys are mixed doubles players at heart. But, the thing is, after all the seniors left last tour I needed to fill in some gaps within the team. It's easy to find new mixed doubles players, but singles players are a bit hard to find. You two are one of the best players on this team this year. I trust you guys will do good if you change your event for next year."

"But!" Lyrica furrowed her eyebrows.

"It's only temporary." Coach Reed added, "I want to see you guys play singles first then I'll decide whether you'll be mixed doubles this year or singles." He said to them, "This school need s a championship..." Coach Reed looked at the banners on the gym wall showing all the sports that had won some sort of championship, but there was none for badminton.

"This year I think we're close." Ryan says determined, "Lyrica it won't be that bad playing singles c'mon. Like he said it'll only be temporary anyways." Ryan smiled at Lyrica.

"I guess so..." Lyrica said with a sigh.

"I'll see you both at the tournament, for now clean up and get some rest." He patted the two on the shoulder and walked over to help the team pick up the birdies from the floor.

Lyrica crossed her arms and looked at the ground. She wasn't the best singles player after what happened during freshmen year. She had lost pretty badly to a girl, Lyrica couldn't even score that match. She felt a bit unconfident having to play singles again after three years.

"Hey." Ryan poked her forehead with his finger.

"Huh..." Lyrica looked up and her eyes met Ryan's eyes.

"Calm down a bit, you'll be fine in the tournament trust me." Ryan gave her that usual reassuring smile he had always given her when she felt defeated.

"Yea...Your right." She have him a half smile.

- back to the present day -

"Lyrica help me stretch!" Lucia pulled Lyrica to her side to help her stretch down. Lucia sat on the ground and spread her legs out so she can bend forward to stretch. Lyrica helped her by pushing her back down slightly with her back leaning on hers, "So what's the Prince like?" Lucia chuckled.

"The Prince...The Prince? I'm completely done with him." Lyrica scoffed, "I told him I didn't want to see him."

"W-what!" Lucia exclaimed and got out from her stretch to turn towards Lyrica, "What do you mean you don't to see him? How are you not going to see him? That makes no sense! How can you not see the Prince?"

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