Chapter 34: Story of the Brothers

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"Where is Peter?" Ariana looked around Cassien's office and noticed Peter was missing in today's meeting. They were supposed to talk about Grey's information on the Duke.

"He's taking a break." Cassien answered, "What's with the new information." He looked up at Grey.

"Well, we did find out he left Valentino. Completely, he went in the air...We think he went to the States."

"What?" Cassien looked up from his desk, "He's in the States? Where exactly?"

"That we haven't found out. He arrived in the west coast and now we have no clue where he is. Somehow he was able to hide from the security cameras. He was also using a fake passport."

"What should we do then?" Ariana looked at Cassien, "Do we go to the States?"

"No, I'll have another unit go instead." Cassien explained and clasped his hands together.

"Are you okay?" Ariana asked a bit worried.


"Sien look if your not feeling well we can take a break from the investigation I mean we're not in any rush—"

"But we are." Cassien said sternly to Grey, "We need to figure this out because I'm sick of this case."

"Yea Sien, if you want maybe we should all just—" before Ariana can finish her thought Cassien stopped her.

"You guys are right." He said firmly and got up from his chair, "Let's take a break for a while. You both should go out and take a breather. I'll stay in here."

Ariana and Grey looked at each other worried for Cassien. But, they couldn't do much about it.

"Okay, hey we're all going to hang out soon alright? You better show up." Grey warned him with a kind smile.

Ariana walked out of Cassien's office with Grey, when she forgot to give him something.

"This is a gift from my father, he said to give it to your father." Ariana said to Cassien and handed him the box.


"Hey...You know we're here for you if you need to talk. You don't have to push us away." Ariana said.

Cassien didn't respond but instead nodded his head slightly. Ariana smiled at him warmly and walked out of the office. Cassien laid his head on his desk and he thought about the other night when Peter yelled at him in the hallways. What he said was the truth, it was Lyrica who was pushing him to become closer to him. He was being nice because she was there.

We all fight with our family, but we can't fight forever. You need to understand him.

"Ugh why am I thinking of her voice at a time like this." He groaned and closed his eyes.

He's still your brother.

"Dammit." He got up from his chair and walked out of his office in a rush.

- one hour later -

Knock knock

Peter heard a knock at the door of Mr. Hendrix's house. He had left for today and left Peter inside alone at the house. Peter walked over to the door and opened it.

"Hm?" His eyes grew big when he saw who was outside. It was Cassien who was looking right at him.

"Can I come in?"

"H-How did you know I was here."

"Mr. Hendrix told me." Cassien tried to walk pass Peter, "I think we need to talk."

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