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" ok thats fair, but still, he loved you so much, everyone knew how much you meant to him. "

" yeah except for me, i was too oblivious to notice anything before it was way too late."

" you can still make it up to him if you don't fuck it up again. " hyunjin slightly hit chan's shoulder and looked back at seungmin. he looked exactly like he did 3 years ago, just a bit taller. the same cute nose, the round puppy eyes, fluffy hair and the round cheeks hyunjin loved to squeeze. (maybe ass cheeks)

" oi, do yall wanna sleep over ? " jeongin asked, getting up from the ground and walking to the table to take a sip from his apple juice. " we have enough space and blankets for all of us. "

" sure, if you want i can ask changbin to join as well. " chan suggested, awkwardly finger-gunning at jeongin. " if seungmin and felix dont embarass me like always when theres a slightly attractive guy in the radius of 1km "

" we won't promise anything " seungmin crossed his arms and looked away offendedly. felix copied his best friend and added a little 'hmph' to the end.

" okay fine just ask him " jeongin waved his hands around after throwing a slipper at his two friends. chan chuckled and gave changbin a text who not even 15 minutes later knocked at jeongin's apartment door.

" wassup tiny man " the oldest called out and pointed at a cold faced changbin who let his bag fall on the ground next to him.

" shut up " changbin scoffed and sunk onto the couch next to a panicking jeongin. " that's the guy he had a crush on ? " seungmin wheezed " he built like a baked bean " felix and seungmin wheezed again in sync.

hyunjin giggled, but the others didn't hear what they were whispering about. instead chan was exposing changbin and changbin was whining about it like a little kid.

" oh quit whining, you look like you beat children and behave like an infant " chan scolded and hit the back of changbin's head.

" you ugly rat " changbin mumbled, rubbing the spot where chan hit him. " DONT INSULT YOUR ELDERS "

hyunjin stopped listening and tried listening to what felix and seungmin were talking about.

" i kinda want cheese sticks " felix whispered and seungmin kept pulling on felix' toes. ( a/n: i do that a lot )

" you always want cheese sticks "

hyunjin grew jealous of felix, the past years during which felix and seungmin were gone, they grew very close, too close for hyunjin. he wanted to take seungmin and leave the apartment.

the tall male saw how felix was holding seungmin by his waist, whispering something into his ear while holding his cheek with his other hand and seungmin had his hands on felix' shoulders. the tallest fists clenched at this scenario and he looked away quickly before felix and seungmin noticed he was looking.

" how is your waist so small ?? " felix questioned and put both of his hands on seungmin's waist. " stop that's embarassing ! " seungmin whispered and tried removing felix' hands, to which felix trapped him in his arms. " youre like a doll ! you're even blushing ! " he mumbled into seungmin's neck.

hyunjin abruptly stood up and left the living room. " what's up with him ? " changbin asked and everyone shrugged.

i just finished saiki k what the fuck am i supposed to watch now

PUPPY. | SEUNGJIN (DISCONTINUED.)Where stories live. Discover now