"L-long enough" he studdered mouth still agape.

"How did you get in and why are you here?" I asked confusingly.

"The door was unlocked and I saw you run off so I thought, that i'de see what's wrong." He replied before adding "did you write that song?"

"That obvious?" I laughed nervously and scratched the back of my neck.

"It was amazing, your voice is amazing, y-your amazing." He mumbled the last part but I ignored him cause I deffinetly am not amazing.

Far from it.

"What was the song about?" Stiles asked.

"Isn't it obvious? The last line was literally 'Welcome to my life' " I said and realised that my arm was bare with just the blood stained bandage, and my other arm was completely naked, showing off my new and old scars. He seemed to notice my distress as I tried to cover up my arms with my nearby hoodie.

"C-Carmen? W-what happened?" He stumbled as he ran over to me. Stiles obviously hadn't seen the scars on my other arm and just saw the blood stained bandage.

"N-Nothing I'm fine don't worry I just dropped a glass that's all" I lied, but he just cocked an eyebrow.

I hid my none bandaged arm behind my back trying to be casual but was freaking out on the inside.

He grabbed my none bandaged arm and sat down on my bed next to me, he looked at it in disbeleif than to me, than back at my arm, his eyes seemed to be glossy as he gingerly touched the fresher cuts littering my wrist, "W-Why? Why would you do this to yourself?!" Stiles half shouted at me but his expression soffened when he saw my face, tears where sliding down my cheeks and I couldn't seem to look him in the eye.

He lifted my chin up do I had no choice but to look in his eyes, "Why?" He asked again, but this time more softly.

"B-Because I deserve it." I muttered shamefully.

"No one deserves this and you do not deserve this!" He pointed to the many scars littering my wrist, he hasn't even looked at my other one yet. As if reading my thoughts he gently placed my arm down and held the other. Stiles looked at the bandaged one which the white was almost all gone and was now a dark red in colour.

He looked at me with pleading eyes, "did you just do this?" He asked me, and his eyes where glossy and he looked like he was dreading the answer.

"Y-yes." I muttered and looked down, I heard him gasp, and then I slowly felt him taking off the bandage.

He uncoiled the layers until the bloody bandage was lying beside him, he took one look at my mangled wrist and tears fell down his cheeks.

There, all over my wrist was furious red lines, some straight and some zigzagging over one another. But all in all a bloddy and awful mess.

"C-Carmen, this so not okay, this so so not okay." He rambled as he touched the cuts causing me to wince at the sudden pressure.

And before I knew what was going on his lips where connecting with my wrist, he was kissing every cut, he switched to my other wrist and began to kiss up and down my arm, I blushed, even though I new this wasn't the time, I still couldn't help the feeling I got when his lips touched me.

"Where is it? Wheres the blade?" Stile asked after he finished wrapping the bandage back over my wrist.

"U-under the sink." I replied without thinking, curious to what he would do.

He ran into the bathroom and after a minute or so he returned with my blade in between his fingers. I gasped.

"W-What are you going to do with it?" I asked in a panic, I couldn't lose my blade! It was my saviour! Without it I would be lost!

Stiles walked over to the window and without a second thought tossed it out.

"NO!" I screamed and ran to the window but stiles held me back and craddled me backwards in his chest as I sobbed.

"What would it take to make you stop?" He asked in a whisper.


"N-Nothing, I deserve it!" I screamed into his tight embrace.

"No you don't Carmen!" He screamed back.

And then he turned me around to face him, and I felt a pressure on my lips, stiles lips where on mine, and dare I say they fitted perfectly. The kiss was a short but beautiful kiss that left my lips tingling, he looked at me with pained yet happy eyes and whispered.

"You deserve that," he pointed to my lips than pointed towards my wrist, "not this."

I was speechless as the realization dawned upon me that stiles stilinski had just kissed me.


Okay next chapter and sorry it took so long and is totally crap. I'm just not feeling this book as much as when I started it... But I will finish it.

So stiles found out... Duh duh duhhh!!!

So close to the end!!!!! *sad face*


IM ALSO WRITING ANOTHER ONE ABIUT TROYLER CALLED "DIFFERENT" so if u have time please please please please check it out cause the troyler one May be the best book I've written so far *love heart*

Stay strong

S. Xx

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