Records Of the Agito - Overconfidence

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Shouichi: It's nothing really!!!! We're just having some small talk!!!! (Shouichi said with a polite tone so that they wouldn't know the small doubt within his heart) Alright then. (Shouichi said as he stood up from the bath) 

Yuuna: You're going up already???!!!! 

Shouichi: YEAH!!! You girls enjoy yourself!!!! I've stayed here long enough!!!! (Shouichi said before going he exited the bathroom.) 

Tamako: Looks like he's gone. Tch...... I was hoping to tease him though. 

Yuuna: What do you mean by teasing him? (Yuuna asked Tamako with a gullible face)

Tamako: Isn't it obvious?! There are no way boys at this age will not be turned on by that thing. (Tamako said as she looked at Hinata's breast with her shining eyes and a somewhat questionable face while making a squeezing gesture on both of her hands)

Hinata: T-Tamako-san....... W-why are you looking at me while saying that while making that strange gesture on your hand? (Hinata said while hiding her breast and backing away from Tamako) 

Tamako: Now that Shouichi is gone, it's time to change my schedule...... IT'S OBVIOUSLY TIME TO CHECK YOUR BODY'S DEVELOPMENT!!!!! (Tamako said as she ran to Hinata to try and squeeze her breast) 

Hinata: KYAAAAA!!!!! (Hinata screamed as she tried to get away from Tamako)

Anzu: Tamacchi-senpai!! (Anzu said as she stepped in protecting Hinata from Tamako) You don't inspect other people's bodies in an onsen!!! 

Tamako: Hmmm...... (Tamako then observes Anzu for a while) Hmm?! (Tamako then realizes Anzu's quite large breast) Anzu....... Now that I've got a proper look at you, haven't you grown as well.....

Anzu: Eh?! (Anzu said in surprise)

Tamako: I'LL INSPECT EVERY NOOK AND CRANNY!!!!!! (Tamako said as she grabbed hold of Anzu's breast) 

Anzu: Stop! Wai- HYAAAAA!!!!!! (Anzu screamed as she couldn't fight back) 

Wakaba: What are you doing...... (Wakaba said with a -_- face) 

Yuuna: Speaking of body....... How did the check-up at the hospital go? 

Tamako: Tama's totally fine!! The dislocation from earlier has healed already! (Tamako said as she showed off her now healed shoulder after letting Anzu go) 

Anzu: *pant* *pant* So am I, my body is more resilient now than it used to be *pant* *pant* (Anzu said with a red face as she was finally from Tamako's lewdness)

Chikage: Same here....... There are no problems with my body. I have to kill more enemies so I can't let myself get injured or sick. 

Inner Wakaba: She's changed....... It must be around the time she got back to her parents' home. I don't know what happened but the one who is most aware of her role as a hero might just be her. (Wakaba said as she stared at Chikage)

Chikage: What are looking at?! (Chikage said as she glared at Wakaba) 

Wakaba: N-no it's nothing. (Wakaba said as she flinched from Chikage's glare) 

Inner Wakaba: That part of her hasn't changed at all. 

Yuuna: What about you, Wakaba-chan were there any issues? 

Wakaba: No there were no issues. If there were any, that would be with Shouichi. (Wakaba said with a pissed off face)

Yuuna: W-what's wrong, Wakaba-chan? Y-you're making a scary face. (Yuuna said as she sweat-dropped)

Hinata: Mou, Shouichi-san really can cause a tantrum! (Hinata said with the same face as Wakaba) At first, he'll run away as fast as he could and when he's cornered he'll act like a cat and try to fight back at us. In the end, Wakaba-chan has to knock him out just to get him to the hospital. And it doesn't end there. In the hospital, the staff has to sedate him just to draw some blood from him! For goodness sake, it's really just a mess in the end. 

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru x Kamen Rider Agito : Flower of PossibillitiesWhere stories live. Discover now