Anticipation of Tomorrow III

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(Inubouzaki Household)

(Shouichi's Dream)

Shouichi was walking around in some kind of beach.

Shouichi: Where am I? 

Just as Shouichi was still walking around, he heard a voice calling here. 

???: Come here.....

Shouichi: Eh?!

Shouichi turned around to see the same grey-haired girl that kept calling for him.

???: Come here.....

Just as Shouichi was about to approach the girl, he heard a familiar voice calling him.

Fuu: Shouichi! Oi Shouichi!

Shouichi: Eh?!

Shouichi then opened his eyes to Fuu shaking him trying to wake him up. Shouichi then immediately wakes up to his forehead clashing with Fuu's forehead.

Fuu and Shouichi: OW!!!!

Shouichi: Ow ow ow. What are you doing, Fuu?! (Shouichi said as he rubbed his forehead)

Fuu: I should be saying the same thing to you! Look at the time! (Fuu said as she also rubbed her forehead)

Shouichi: Eh?! (Shouichi then took a look at his alarm clock) Ah!!!!! 

Fuu: How is it?

Shouichi: We're....... late.........

Fuu: You're right, I've already sent Itsuki to school first. You should change and hurry up eat breakfast. As soon as you finished we'll immediately head to school.

Shouichi: Y-yes, and...... I'm sorry.

Fuu: *sigh* Don't worry and hurry up.

Shouichi immediately changes to his school clothes and walked to the dinner table.

Shouichi: Itadakimasu!

Shouichi then grabbed the chopstick by his left hand and tried to eat using his left hand, but every time he would fail and make a mess at the table.

Fuu: What's wrong Shouichi?

Shouichi: It's really hard to eat with a left hand.

Fuu then walked over and sat next to him.

Fuu: Lent me that.

Shouichi then gave her the chopstick. 

Fuu: Here..... (Fuu said as she put the chopstick with food on top of it in front of Shouichi's face)

Shouichi: AAAAA (Shouichi then ate the food that Fuu offered)

Fuu: How is it?

Shouichi: It's...... delicious as always.

Fuu: Good to hear it. 

Fuu then continued to feed Shouichi until the food he finished his food.

Fuu: I'll wash the dishes first, you go first and wait for me outside.

Shouichi: You got it.

Shouichi then as Fuu said went outside while Fuu washed the dishes.

(After a while)

Fuu then headed outside to where Shouichi was waiting. Fuu came out to see that Shouichi was still daydreaming outside.

Fuu: Shouichi?

Shouichi: Ah?! Sorry! Let's go......

Fuu then looked at Shouichi with confusion.

(After School)

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