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(Inubozaki Residence)

Shouichi was cooking dinner while Fuu was fiddling with her phone.

Fuu: Hey, Shouichi.......

Shouichi: Yes....?

Fuu: Were you really serious about you said?

Shouichi: What I said?

Fuu: About you wanted to fight just wanted to protect us.

Shouichi: Hmm...... About half right and wrong I guess.

Fuu: Huh?! What's with that?

Shouichi: It's true that I wanted to protect you guys, but I also want to protect everyone on this island.

Fuu: And..... Why is that?

Shouichi: Because, if everyone dies then Yuuki-chan and everyone in the club will be very sad right? I don't want that to happen.

Fuu: But don't you care about the ones close to you? What would you do if they have to fought?

Shouichi: What's with that question?

Fuu: Just answer me......

Shouichi: Well....... the answer is easy, the ones that wanted to fight to protect is not just me that's why I'll let them fight, to protect what's important to me. Besides if something goes wrong I'll be there to protect them.

Fuu: .........

Shouichi: Fuu.....?

Fuu: You are so honest, you do know that right?

Shouichi: Are you saying you are not?

Fuu: I'm not even sure myself.......

Shouichi: What do you mean?

Fuu: *sigh*......... The real reason for me to fight the Vertexes is to take revenge on them for my parents death. It's a very personal reason, but I forced you guys to fight because of my selfishness.

Shouichi: ........

Fuu: I'm the worst, am I?

Shouichi just kept silent and placed his hand on Fuu's head.

Fuu: Shouichi......?

Shouichi: I understand your feelings, the feelings of losing someone you loved and wanting to take revenge. It's excruciating and painful, but it's not wrong to take revenge. 

Fuu: ......

Shouichi: Just never forget, if you go down the path you will have to sacrifice the ones who are still alive and loves you. The pain will never go away no matter how we try to forget it. That's why we should never forget it and keep the pain engraved to your heart, accept what happens and fight on for the living.

Fuu: Shouichi..........

Shouichi: Huh?!!! Did I just say something strange?

Fuu: Pfffttt, Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!! 

Shouichi: Fuu??!!

Fuu: I-I'm sorry, it's just Hahahhaha!!!! too funny. *pant*pant*. It's just, you talked like you have experienced it, even though you're amnesiac.

Shouichi: Um....... Actually, I don't know about it.....

Fuu: Huh?! What do you mean?

Shouichi: I mean I know what I said, but I don't know why I said it. It's like........ I don't know.......... Experience?.....

Fuu: Don't tell me, Shouichi you.......

Fuu's phone: *ring* *ring**ring*

Shouichi and Fuu's conversation was cut short by the forestization warning. Fuu and Shouichi ran out to see the world around them enveloped in light and flower petals.

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru x Kamen Rider Agito : Flower of PossibillitiesWhere stories live. Discover now