The Bonds of Love

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(A few hours earlier)

Togo was visiting Sonoko in the hospital. 

Sonoko: I knew that you would come~~~~ Wasshi~~ No, Togo-san I mean. I didn't explain everything very clearly because I was too excited, but today I came a lot more prepared.

Togo: You can call me Wasshi if you want. I may not remember it, but my family name was Washio for the last two years.  

Sonoko: Wow, I'm surprised you know that. 

Togo: I was deemed fit to be a hero in the aptitude test, so I was adopted into the Washio family, a particularly powerful family in the Taisha, and carried my duty there.

Sonoko: The Washio family is a great family. They wanted you as a daughter because of the high aptitude you showed.

Togo: And my parents just handed me over.

Sonoko: It was for a divine duty. 

Togo: I fought alongside you, experienced the Sange, and lost part of my memory along with the use of my leg. As a payment for the power to defeat the enemy, we give a part of our bodies to Shinju-sama as an offering. That's the Hero system.

Sonoko: Yeah..... I went more all out when I was a hero and this is how I end up~~~~

 Togo: I...... 

Sonoko: The Taisha couldn't make do with just the people in their own families, so they searched the nation for others fit to be heroes. 

Togo: I was later returned to The Togo family and my parents knew the truth and never told me. They even lied about my memory loss being to an accident. Even me moving in next to Yuuna-chan was arranged. 

Sonoko: She had a higher aptitude for being a hero more than anyone. The Taisha must have known that Shinju-sama would choose her as well.

Togo: Ever since we bloomed, I've been having better quality food at home. 

Sonoko: The Taisha must be providing your family with plenty of benefits as recompense.

Togo: Come to think of it, we also had luxurious food during our retreat. It wasn't out of appreciation. It was an act of worship toward us. Our parents have known the truth, and they still remained silent about it.

Sonoko: They must have convinced themselves that being chosen by Shinju-sama was something to be happy about.

Togo: But there's something that I don't understand.

Sonoko: What is it?~~~

Togo: Where does Shouichi-senpai fit it in all of this? Not only he doesn't possess any aptitude as a hero, but he was also able to fight on a fairground with us. 

Sonoko: Shouichi-san..... he is in appearance is a human but inside him, since he was born a great power has been evolving since the beginning of the Christian era. 

Togo: A power?

Sonoko: That's right...... Shouichi-san may be fated to suffer since he was born no....... for every one of his lifetimes........

Togo: Eh?!...... (Togo immediately frowned upon hearing this) Eh?! What do you mean?! Why does he have to suffer?  

Sonoko:....... That's because....... Of something that he himself chose to burden three hundred years ago. 

Togo: Why do we have to go through this? Why do we have to suffer? Isn't Shinju-sama on humanity's side?

Sonoko: It is on our side, but it is a god. It isn't so straightforward. Besides-....... stay calm and listen. The secret of the world outside the wall...... I'll tell you the truth about this world. You see it wasn't a virus that brought humanity to the verge of extinction. Pass the wall, Shinju-sama's illusion disappears, and the truth of the world will show itself. The vertexes-the highest of organism-were sent by the gods of heaven, tasked with purification. During the Christian era,  the world suddenly came under their attack. The other gods sided with humanity, gathered their strength to fuse into a great tree, and create a defensive barrier around Shikoku. That time, the current people who heard the voice of the gods is now the Taisha and manage Shinju-sama. 

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