Blessing of the Gods

366 20 5

(Inubozaki Household)

Fuu: As expected, there's nothing better than home sweet home. (Fuu said as she stretches her body)

Shouichi: *yawn* I'm gonna go and take a nap, wake me up when it's dinner. All that discussing the skit at the car got me really sleepy. (Shouichi then went to his room)

Itsuki on sketchbook: Okay, Onii-chan

Fuu: He's really only minding his own pace.

Fuu's phone then rang. 

Itsuki on sketchbook: What's wrong, Onee-chan.

Fuu: Sorry, Onee-chan just remembered that I just got something to do. Please cook some dinner, Itsuki!!! (Fuu said as she hurriedly exited the apartment)

Fuu then made her way to the Sanshuu Middle School and the club room where she finds a box filled with the old transformation cellphones of the Hero Club.

Fuu looks at the message once more.

From Taisha: Another attack is to be expected. 

Fuu: The battle's ....... not over. (Fuu said looking despaired)

When Fuu came to the realization of what is going to happen, her face glooms down.

Fuu: Why..... Why...... Why did this have to happen to us?! (Fuu said as she shed some tears from her eyes)

After a while, Fuu decided to go home with a smile as well as not to make both of her siblings' worry.

(Inubozaki household)

Fuu: I'm home...... WA!!! (Fuu then realized the stench of smell that is coming from the kitchen) What's this smell???!!! 

Itsuki on sketchbook: Welcome home, Onee-chan. Dinner's almost ready.

Fuu: Before that, let me ask what did you make?

Itsuki on sketchbook: It's udon.

Fuu: Eh?! For real?!

Itsuki on sketchbook: Yeah, I made it just like how you made it yesterday.

Fuu: W-wait a minute...

Fuu then went to Shouichi's room and pound on it.

Fuu: Shouichi!!!! Wake up!!!!!!

Shouichi who was still half asleep went and open the door.

Shouichi: What is- HMPH?! (The stench of the Itsuki's cooking came stinging to Shouichi's nose.) W-what's this smell???!!! (Shouichi immediately covers his nose) 

Fuu: It's Itsuki's cooking.....

Shouichi: Ah, I see. EHHHHHH???!!?!?! You let Itsuki cooked???!!!

Fuu: Wait, not so loud!!!!!

Fuu then dragged Shouichi back to his room.

Shouichi: I thought we agree to not let her cook until we've taught her everything we knew.

Fuu: I know, but not long I just taught her how to make udon. So I thought that it will be okay to let her cook for today......

Shouichi: Well, it cannot be helped. But how do deal with this? We cannot say that her food is bad, Itsuki's at a very sensitive age.

Fuu then stares at Shouichi.

Shouichi: What is it?

Fuu: Just now, you sound like an old man.

Shouichi: Shut up! Even if steel ourselves and ate the whole bowl, I don't think we'll survive before we even reach the end of that bowl.

Fuu then thinks a bit.

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru x Kamen Rider Agito : Flower of PossibillitiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora