Blessing of the Gods II

336 19 5

(Hero Club Room)

Yuuna: Yuuki Yuuna is coming in!

Togo: Hello! 

Both of them gave a salute before entering the room.

Fuu: 'sup

Yuuna: You're still enjoying using that persona, huh?

Itsuki on sketchbook: 'sup.

Karin also gave her greeting to both of them.

Fuu: Well, I had no idea that an eyepatch would suit me this well.

Togo: Whoa!!! (Togo screamed as she was surprised by Fuu's new fairy jumping around)

Fuu: Oh, sorry. He's a curious little fellow and unlike Inugami, he can be a bit of a troublemaker.

Togo: So this is your new fairy.

Kamaitachi then climbs up to Togo's shoulder and took a spin around her. 

Togo: Hey!, that tickles!

When Togo's fairy came out from her phone, Kamaitachi then retreated back to its owner.

Yuuna: Togo-san's fairies are always lively no matter how you look at it.

Togo's fairy then glared at Yuuna.

Yuuna: H-hello...

Togo: All units, attention!!!

The fairies immediately respond to Togo's command and immediately fall into a line. 

Yuuna: Well done, you've trained them very well.

Two more fairies also flew out from Itsuki's phone. One is Kodama and the other one is a new blue mirror spirit with green vine-like hair.

Itsuki on sketchbook: My Ungaikyou and Kodama also got out.

From Yuuna's cellphone, two more fairies also pop out. One is Gyuuki and the other one is Kasha a pink fire cat spirit.

Yuuna: Now, even mine are out! Gyuuki no eating other fairies

Fuu: I'm glad that the Taisha updated our terminals to let us summon our new fairies, but now it's like the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons.

Yuuna: I-it's really lively here, maybe we should just set the Cultural Festival like this. 

Togo: Far from it!

Yuuna: I know, right!

Karin: Sheesh, can't you guys learn from Togo and manage your fairies better. (Karin said as Kodama played on top Karin's head) WAAAA!!!!! (Karin screamed as she saw Yoshiteru being eaten by Gyuuki)

Yoshiteru: All things must pass.

Yuuna: WA!!!! Gyuuki!!!!! (Yuuna screamed tried to get Gyuuki away from Yoshiteru) By the way, where's Shouichi-san? (Yuuna said as she noticed the sole male member of the club went missing)

Fuu: What's wrong Yuuna, do you miss him? (Fuu teasingly ask)

Yuuna: Y-yes, a little bit. (Yuuna said with a red face)

Fuu: Wha?! Your honesty is not that far away Shouichi you know that? 

Yuuna: .........

Fuu: He said he'll be late for a bit today. Although I cannot call him late for a bit though, he's been late for almost thirty minutes.

Togo: Do you think something's going on with him.

Fuu: I don't know, he's been acting weird since he got discharged from the hospital. Especially since he said that dreamt about that girl. 

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru x Kamen Rider Agito : Flower of PossibillitiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora