Records Of the Agito - Loss

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Shouichi: UAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! (Shouichi then squeeze out every last bit of everything that he had to heal the wound on his right stomach and transform back to Exceed Gills once again) YOU BASTARDS!!!!!! YOU BETTER BE PREPARED TO FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!!!!!!

The very presence of Shouichi standing in front of the Scorpio Vertex was more than enough to cause the Vertex to slowly back off. 

Wakaba: W-what is it???!!!! What is this Aura????!!!! 

Yuuna: This aura....... it's like..... 

Chikage: A devil.......


As if a devil has emerged from hell, Shouichi rampaged throughout the Jukai, blinded by rage and tremendously showing his overwhelming power to the Vertexes. In all this rage, Shouichi could easily destroy the Scorpio Vertex and continued to rampage the rest of the stardust Vertex. 

Shouichi: UAAAAAGHHHHH!!!!!!!!! 

Wakaba: Hey, Shouichi. It's enough we can deal with-

Shouichi: HAAAAAAA!!!!!!! DIEEEEEE!!!!! (Shouichi ignored Wakaba's warning and continued to fight on) 

While this was going on, Wakaba realized that the corrosion at the Jukai has spread too far to be ignored anymore. 

Wakaba: There's no time to waste. The corrosion at the Jukai has spread too far. At this rate, I'm afraid the real world will be too damaged after the forestization reverts. Let's work together and deal with these enemies as quickly as possible, Chikage, Yuuna.  

Chikage & Yuuna: ........ (Chikage and Yuuna could only keep quiet as they observe Shouichi's rampage with a paled expression) 

Wakaba: Chikage? Yuuna? 

Yuuna: Y-yeah.....

Chikage: I know........


Shouichi: UAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! 

After rampaging for a while, all of the enemies are finally defeated thanks to their combined efforts. But, there is also something that they lost at the same time. The life of two heroes. Shouichi immediately slumped down before Wakaba approach him and helped him stood up. 

Wakaba: Are you alright, Shouichi? 

Shouichi: ........

Wakaba: .......

Shouichi: What about them? 

Wakaba: They're already...... It's too late at this point. (Wakaba said as she began to shed some tears) 

Shouichi: No.....

Wakaba: Eh? 

Shouichi: Take me to them. I won't let anybody die anymore. They will never take thinks that precious to us ever again. 

Wakaba then helped Shouichi to head to where Anzu and Tamako were laying lifeless while holding their hands. When Shouichi arrived there, he immediately examined both Tamako and Anzu's corpses. 

Shouichi: ..........

Yuuna: Please stop, Shouichi-san...... They're already........ At least let them rest in peace. 

Shouichi: No, it's not yet over. (Shouichi said as he extended two of his tentacles and covered where Anzu and Tamako were stabbed. 

Chikage: What are you doing?! Do you have to go that far?! 

Shouichi: When I came here for the first time, the first thing that popped into my mind is how to save a dying life.

Chikage: Dying?! They're already dead! 

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru x Kamen Rider Agito : Flower of PossibillitiesWhere stories live. Discover now