The Connected Past II

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(Sonoko's Mansion)

Sonoko: Shouichi-san........ 

Sonoko's mom: Don't worry, I've already contacted the Taisha to look for him.

Sonoko: Mom....... I'm really worried about him...... After all, it's kinda my fault that he acts like that.

Sonoko's mom: Don't worry dear........ I'll make sure that he's okay........ Now get some rest....... you're still not healthy enough to go out and look for him. 

Then suddenly they heard the front door of the mansion open up. Sonoko immediately pushed her wheelchair as fast as she could to the front door. When Sonoko arrived there she saw Shouichi limping in the room trying to head to the stairs.

Sonoko: Shouichi-san!!!!!!! Are you okay???!!!!

Shouichi: ........

Shouichi just stayed silent and keeps limping forward trying to head to his room, before he even reached the stairs Shouichi immediately fell down and losing his consciousness in the process. 

Sonoko: Shouichi-san!! Please wake up!!! (Sonoko screamed as she frantically shook Shouichi trying to wake him up)

(Meanwhile A few hours Later)

(Sanshuu Middle School)

(Hero Club Room)

Yuuna, Togo, Karin, and Itsuki were already in the clubroom waiting for Fuu to come. Not long after Fuu finally came inside the room.

Fuu: Thanks for coming today, I know we've been through a lot but there's still one last thing that we must need to do.

Yuuna: Is it about Shouichi-san?

Fuu: Yeah....... You're right........ Everyone must have heard the incident this morning right? 

Togo: Yes...... Is it about the battle this morning? I thought it ended with Shouichi-senpai easily winning it?

Karin: He did easily won it but there was a problem.......  

Yuuna: Did he got hurt???!!!!

Karin: that's the problem...... looking at the way he fights........ he's becoming....... more and more reckless every time...... If he continued to fight this way....... It's not strange for him if he would die all over again....... 

All of them looked at Karin with shock.

Itsuki: O....nii-chan....... 

Togo: No way......... Is there anything we can do, Karin-chan???!!!

Karin: Don't look at me!!! I wanted to help him too....... but in our condition....... we'll be nothing but a nuisance to him........ 

Togo: .......

Yuuna: Even so....... we have to help him!!! We are the Hero Club!!!! We help people that are in trouble!!! And that includes one of our own!!!!!

Fuu: Yuuna...... She's right!!! Right now, I don't what is he going through....... but at least we have to be able to be by his side no matter what happens....... 

Itsuki: We....... We've been ...... in debt....... with Onii-chan....... He...... has done...... a lot for us....... We've gotta........We've gotta........ HELP HIM!!!!!!!

Togo: Itsuki-chan....... that's right Fuu-senpai let's help him!!!! 

Karin: You guys..... For goodness sake what a bunch of idiots and looks like I'm becoming an idiot too......... Let's help him!!!!! 

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