The Choice for a change III

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Shouichi: Sonoko-chan!!!!!!

Kaoru: Don't worry she's alive...... A hero can never die, though I cannot say that is called alive too.

Shouichi: Why did you do this?

Kaoru: It's easy...... She was on the verge of telling the truth to the other heroes. I can't let that happen. It's just a little bit of punishment.

Shouichi: Because there are people like you in this world, humans are driven to this corner! 

Kaoru: Don't get me wrong, but the ones who are moving the world, are the ones with the cunning and intelligence. Don't compare me to the likes of you. You may have the key to save this world but you don't have the resolution do it like me. 

Shouichi: Aren't you felt ashamed?

Kaoru: Ashamed?

Shouichi: You just hurt a young girl!!! You took her future!!! You took her happiness!!! You broke her heart!!!! Never listened to it!!!!! What good is it to create a world where we couldn't treasure a human's heart???!!! 

Kaoru: *chuckle*

Shouichi: What's so funny????!!!!!

Kaoru: Happiness? Future? Heart? She doesn't need that kind of thing. I'm the one who will decide that. Humans are foolish creatures, they thought of such a thing is important to them. When all of that thing will mean nothing if the world is destroyed.

Shouichi: KINO KAORU!!!!!!! (Shouichi then went to punch him which was blocked by one of the crow lords)

Kaoru: Well, calm down.....

Shouichi: CALM DOWN!!!! How can you ask me to calm down!!!!

Kaoru: You have to know the reason I had to this. I had to this to save the world.

Shouichi: How does "THIS" looks like saving the world?

Kaoru: Because you're the key to saving the world.

Shouichi: What do you mean?!

Kaoru: Right now, Nogi Sonoko is wielding the power of 21 fairies in her body which makes her the strongest among the heroes. What you have to do is easy, you just tap on to the power of 21 fairies inside her body and absorb it. I'm sure you've already done it before.

Shouichi then remembered the moment Machine Tornador turn into the slider mode.

Kaoru: When you have done that you will be directly connected to Shinju-same and you will be invincible!!!! The strongest being in this world!!!! Our one and only God!!!!! To be honest, I wanted you to use the power of other heroes, but-

Shouichi: But?

Kaoru: By absorbing the power of the fairies, they will definitely die... That's why you just have to settle with one. Now, what is your choice? (Kaoru then extends his hand to Shouichi)

Shouichi: ......

Shouichi then extends his hand to grab Kaoru's hand, but he instead hit Kaoru's hand away.

Kaoru: What's the meaning of this?

Shouichi: There's no way..... I'm living in a world where we have to sacrifice other humans to live!!!!!! What I want is to protect everyone's place to be!!! That's why I'll never let anyone die or this world to be destroyed!!!!! 

Shouichi then immediately pressed both of the buttons on his belt as fast as it appeared. 

Shouichi: "HENSHINNNNN" 

Kaoru: *sigh* I'm disappointed in you. I thought you would understand what are we sacrificing for, but I was wrong. Children are really idealistic no matter what happens. 

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru x Kamen Rider Agito : Flower of PossibillitiesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin