Records Of the Agito - The Future Of Mankind

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After finishing her check-up after their last battle, Wakaba immediately heads to the room where Shouichi was being treated. 

Wakaba: Hinata! Tamako! Anzu! 

Hinata: Wakaba-chan.....

Wakaba: Is he....... alright? (Wakaba said in a worried tone) 

Tamako: He's alright for now but......

Wakaba: But what?! Tamako! 

Anzu: The doctor said that...... He's in a coma right now. And may not wake up anymore....... 

Wakaba's expression began to frown upon hearing Anzu's explanation. The very fact that Shouichi who is the one that she wanted to protect would never wake up didn't sink in her heart quite well and right now Wakaba is riddled with doubts and guilt in her heart. 

Wakaba: Where's Chikage?

Hinata: Right now, she's looking after Shouichi-san in his room. 

Wakaba: I see. I'll take a look at him too. (Wakaba said as she entered Shouichi's hospital room) 

As Wakaba opened the door, she saw Chikage sitting next to Shouichi's bed while holding his hand. 

Wakaba: Chikage......

Chikage: Nogi-san..... (Chikage said without even turning around to look at Wakaba) 

Wakaba: Are you...... already alright? I heard what happened this afternoon before we underwent forestization. (Wakaba said with a worried tone at Chikage)

Chikage: Alright? I'm alright until just now. Until I heard that he may not wake up.......

Wakaba: Chikage?

Chikage: I....... I have made a terrible mistake. (Chikage said as she began to shed some tears at Shouichi's only left hand) I tried to kill the person who has been protecting me. Who has been looking at me for who I am....... I....... I have a lot to tell him....... But for the first thing, I want to say that I'm sorry......... I'm sorry that I caused him to lose his arm. I'm sorry that I hurt him....... But even so, he continued to protect me. I...... I................. I'm sorry.....

Wakaba: Chikage........ I...... Me too...... I have a lot that I want to say to him......... I want to say that..... I Lo-

Shouichi: *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*  *cough*  *cough*  *cough*  *cough*  *cough* *cough* 

 Wakaba: Wha-???!!!! Shouichi?! 

Chikage: Ashikawa-san?! 

Shouichi: *cough* *cough* *cough* Koori? Wakaba? (Shouichi said as he slowly opens his eyes) Is.... that you? 

Wakaba: That's right, Shouichi!!!! It's us!!! 

Hinata: Wakaba-chan?! What's wrong?! What's with all of the screaming?! (Hinata suddenly opened the door to Shouichi's hospital room and said with a surprised tone) 

Wakaba: Hinata!!! Call the doctor!!! Shouichi has woken up!!!

Hinata: Shouichi-san has woke up?! A-alright!!!! I'm calling the doctor right now!!!!!! 

Tamako: Shouichi!!!! 

Anzu: Shouichi-san!!!! (Both Anzu and Tamako said before entering Shouichi's hospital room) 

Shouichi: Looks like I'm *cough* *cough* *cough* still  *cough* *cough* in hell.  *cough* *cough* *cough* Instead of angels, I'm greeted by four lionesses who are still kicking butts. 

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru x Kamen Rider Agito : Flower of PossibillitiesWhere stories live. Discover now