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Out of all the things I could have asked for, a marriage was the last one, but when you are born as a tool to gain power and form alliances, nobody wants to know what you want. What they want, is for you to know that if you set one toe out of line, it will end horribly.

Years of discipline, mannerism and grace couldn’t teach me how to stop myself from wanting to sink my blade into the flesh of a corpse. Maybe it’s human nature, to crave dark and sinister things or perhaps, I am broken, in some way or shape that can only be fixed by bringing justice to the dead.

I stared at the ink filled pages, the drawings of livers and intestines all over them, and wondered if my mother would approve of this. I already knew the answer, she would drag me to church and say a thousand prayers. She was not bad, just absent. The only thing that I had ever troubled her with was choosing the wrong plates for a tea party. I didn’t intend to trouble her further.

If she found out about my readings in the library, she would tell father and father...... I shuddered at the thought of what he would do if he knew I was filling my brain with such unladylike things. I could already see the rage, the hot temper in his eyes if he ever  stumbled upon me reading about the dead and autopsies.

I gathered my books and put them back in their places on the shelf before blowing out the candle and sneaking out of the library and towards my bedchamber. Moonlight filtered through the windows and I heard the murmur of the guards outside as they changed their positions. It had taken me too long tonight. I silently said a prayer to the stars before gathering my nightgown and moving forward.

When I saw the door of my bedchamber, I finally relaxed. Shutting the door close behind me, I sighed in relief and perched up on my bed. My eyes settled on the paper fluttering in the wind. I had left it here, not wanting to think about the upcoming engagement.

I thought for a second and hesitantly reached over to look at it, which was strange because it was nothing more than a sketch of my to- be- fiancé. I stopped breathing at the thought of being bound to someone else. Waking up every morning knowing that you will forever have to be coddled by someone, someone will dictate your every life- decision, was horrifying. I had seen it all too many times, when my father would look at my mother like she was little more than a burden from across the throne room. When he would ask her to keep herself indulged in fancy fabrics and parties to “keep her happy”. I doubted silk and lace could keep me satisfied with my life.

Finally, I turned the paper over. It was hard to tell in the darkness of my room if I had imagined it or if it was actually true but I could have sworn golden brown eyes stared back at me. Mob of dark brown hair sat atop an angular face. His thin and regal nose, along with the strong jaw, gave him an air of alertness and steadfast determination.

If he wasn’t about to destroy my dreams and hopes for my life, I would have admitted that he was quite attractive.

“Julius Ravenswood.” I murmured his name. “His royal highness, the prince of Singrand.”

I almost laughed at the absurdity of my thoughts. Obviously I wouldn’t have to call him His royal highness. I suppose Ravenswood will be fine, until we were on first-name terms.

I put the paper back and pulled the blanket up.

I didn’t know what was going to happen after a week but I knew one thing- If Julius Ravenswood wanted me to be the dark sky so he could shine, I will swallow him whole.

The Heirs (The Heart's Edge Series, Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now