Chapter 8

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Professor Sclovisky, who I had assumed would be a stern looking man, turned to be a rather short and giddy man. When I met him in the parlor attached to Ravenswood's quarters, he seemed ready to spring out of his sofa and start running. He was perhaps startled by our betrothal because as soon as I introduced myself his eyebrows flew up. He shook my hand feverishly, in the oddest manner, instead of bowing or simply kissing the back, as was customary. I was taken aback by it but brushed it off. He was Julius's teacher after all, I could see the oddity in both of them.

Once we were introduced, we both followed Julius to the laboratory where the corpse was again put on the table. I had tried to get another close look at the body but was informed that it was sent away to be kept at a much lower temperature immediately after our autopsy. As we drew closer, I could see all the previous signs on the body. The blue nails, the pale and chapped skin.

Professor Sclovisky paced around the table as me and Julius stood back. He circled around the lifeless woman with his undivided attention on the injuries she had sustained. I looked over at Julius and, by his calm expression, came to the conclusion that this feverish pacing was nothing out of the ordinary for his mentor.

He suddenly leaned towards me, "Professor Sclovisky is not just my mentor." He whispered. "He is my uncle, my mother's brother."

This was news to me and I raised my eyebrows, "I see. Do all men like dead bodies in this house?"

He scanned my face, "Do all women speak such foul things in your house?"

I nodded, "Yes, actually. You wouldn't want all of us in the same room."

He hummed under his breath, "I don't think I would take such liking to anyone else in your family."

I smiled, "Do you read Poe?"

He frowned, "Yes."

"I should carve out your heart and put it under my floorboards."

He grinned back, "That would be one way to enter your bed chamber, though not my most preferred one."

I had only opened my mouth to respond to his scandalous implications when Professor Sclovisky muttered something. We both turned our attention towards him.

Julius spoke up, "We can't hear you, uncle."

"Well then, -" he said irritably, "-get on here, you stupid boy."

Julius rolled his eyes but stepped forward.

Then, I was called forward, in a much politer manner. We recounted our discoveries from the previous day and Professor only nodded along. At last, he looked at me, "Those stitches are well done, Princess Rose. The autopsy was thorough and exceptional. Well done."

I could have sworn my chest swole with pride. "Rose will be enough." I replied. "I'm your student."

He nodded, then continued, "I must say, this is truly an interesting case." He spoke, almost to himself. "Julius."


"Where is your father?" Professor asked.

"He is at the western ports, uncle. If you would stay for dinner, you could meet him." Julius spoke smoothly but I could see the confusion on his face. "May I ask why my father needs to intervene in this murder?"

Professor dismissively shook his head, "It's not important. I have some business with him and it's been a while since I've sat with my brother-in-law." He finally looked up from the corpse, "Now, I need you two to do something for this case."

Both of us became alert at once, "Yes, uncle." "Yes, sir."

"Go to the house of the sister that the victim was visiting. Her belongings must be there, search them thoroughly. Anything that might seem suspicious, or a potential weapon, bring it back to me. I do not want soldiers involved. Understood?"

The Heirs (The Heart's Edge Series, Book #1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora