Chapter 19

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The sun was barely casting any light from behind the clouds. Holding my knees to my chest, I soaked in the warmth of the bath water. Very carefully, I washed myself, praying for winter to just go away already. The maids had laid out my clothed by the time I got out of the bath. A deep green dress that cascaded down to the floor in ripples of silk and black lace. As I sat in front of the mirror, applying kohl to my eyes, I could almost see the old me fading away. I sat straighter now, not burdened by the scrutinizing gaze of my parents.

Too many things had happened in the last month- far too many for the old me to even comprehend. Death had trailed behind me since I has stepped foot in Singrand. Flowers and pretty dresses had always been more along the tastes of my sister but even then, darkness never looked better on me. She had always been the brighter presence in our home- her laugh a little more merrier and footsteps a little bit lighter. I never expected us to be identical but my mother perhaps did. After all, Adriana was not promised to any prince. She would marry one, yes. But she was not a piece in whatever game mother was playing. Her freedom always was obvious to people even other than myself.

I never minded that she was scolded less or that she could do more but resentment for my parents snuck into my heart at an age far too young to feel those emotions. Somehow, the chilling air of Singrand was warmer than that of my own home where spring almost never left.

I considered a future here- maybe I could become an apprentice to professor Sclovisky. I had heard that he had his own school of forensic which had gained a high reputation in neighboring kingdoms. I had enough funds to sustain myself until, one day, I could hopefully make some living.

These were dreams of course, far too daring for me to even imagine back home. Even here, they were shattered by a voice piercing through me - "There simply is no one else who will have this crown."

What was she talking about? Why not? Leaving my seat in front of the mirror, I put on my gloves.

What history tied me to this place? Not my sister- just me.

My mother, of course, descended from Singrand-hence, the friendship between her and Queen Regina. They had had the same governess -both daughters of nobility. Both destined to marry kings. Unlike Queen Regina, who was raised by two loving parents alongside her brother, Professor Sclovisky; my mother had been raised by her aunt - both of my grandparents having been passed when she was very young. The aunt has passed before I could meet her and my mother never returned to the house she grew up in. I didn't even know if she owned some property in Singrand or if she had disposed of it after her marriage to my father.

I was far too busy in my own thoughts as I entered the library to notice the rushed footsteps behind me.

"Your grace!" A man yelled after me.

Startled, I turned around to see a boy about my age covered in sweat, basically sprinting at me.

"What is the matter?" I frowned.

He stopped at once and panted, "I have been sent to make sure you do not leave your chambers." He could barely speak coherently. "Guards are on their way to you."

"What?" I asked, confused.

Behind him, a dozen or so men in dark uniforms advanced towards me. The boy wiped sweat from his brow before standing straight and saying, much steadily this time, "Please follow us. You will be informed when it's safe to leave your chambers."

I held up a gloved hand, not in habit or the mood to be bossed around by anyone. "What is the meaning of this? Why am I being treated as a prisoner?"

"That was not the intention, your grace." He said apologetically. "It is for your safety that we are to remain by your side until we ensure that the premises are safe."

Puzzled, I asked, "Safe from what?"

He hesitated, "A woman has been found in the dungeons. A dead woman. We know-"

"Take me there." I immediately blurted out.

A murder took place inside the palace. Inside.

"I beg your pardon-" the soldiers were now upon us, standing quietly.

"If you refuse, I will go there alone. Perhaps in the dead of the night." I said matter-of-factly.

He opened and closed his mouth and I walked past him, having no intentions of wasting any time.

"You can all follow me or just stand there." I called out and footsteps clattered at once.

Soldiers were everywhere, dashing about with tightened jaws and tense shoulders. As we got closer to the scene of the crime, more and more men with more and more medals on their uniforms swarmed the hallways. At last, we entered a small room, almost bursting with high ranking officials.

Of course, the king was there. He frowned upon seeing and then blinked in confusion at the guards behind me who looked more helpless than anything.

I approached him and greeted him before inquiring about the murder.

He had been indulged in a conversation with a man who now watched me curiously. He interrupted, "Who is this young lady, your highness?"

"Princess Rose Aria Colfield of Etherian. And please call me Theodore in front of her, it really is no matter." The King said. "Rose this is Lord Victor, the Chief commader of all our fleets. Victor you've heard of her."

Lord Victor kissed my hand, "Only in high regards. It is a pleasure to meet you, your highness."

"Please, Rose will do." I shook my head. "The honor is all mine. I was here to inquire about the murder." To clarify, I added, "I work with Professor Sclovisky."

The King furrowed him brows, "Perhaps, you should remain somewhere safe until we clear the premises, Rose."

Lord Victor agreed, "The body will be sent to the laboratory, of course. You can conduct the autopsy there."

"Is Julius in there?" I motioned to the entrance to the dungeons.

"Uh...yes." The King nodded.

"Then, I want to be there as well."

Lord Victor watched with amusement before commenting, "Perhaps, we should let her in, Theo. It's not like the killer is sitting right there."

"Fine." He sighed. "Next thing you know, we will be bodily restraining her from barging in."

He motioned me inside the small archway and as we descended the alarmingly steep set of stairs, Lord Victor whispered behind me, "So you are Meredith's daughter?"

Shocked by the untimely question I answered, "What? Oh, yes. You know each other?"

"Of course. We all used to be friends- Me, Theo, Regina, your mother and Jonathan." I could hear something in his voice- something similar to wicked delight. "We all know her very well."

Before I could put my finger on what he was trying to convey, my eyes fell on Ravenswood and then, on the body that he was kneeling over.

The Heirs (The Heart's Edge Series, Book #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon