Chapter 18

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The sound was horrifying, deafening- emerging out of the all-consuming darkness. My body was perhaps aware of some danger my brain had not comprehended yet as it refused to move. I stood still- looking off in the distance. The hair on the back of my neck stood up when a gust of cold wind hit me. My damp clothes stuck to my skin and each breath came out as a shudder. I closed my eyes and gulped before opening them again. My surroundings became more clear and the sound beat against my eardrums.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Your curse- (my son!) - stay away!
Boom! This crown- Boom!

I bit into my lip so hard I tasted blood. Blood. Yes. I wasn't damp. I was covered in blood. The floor, the walls - all of it - blood, blood, blood. The walls moved. In. And out. In, and out. Like a heart - living, sustaining. My voice sat in my throat like a lump. It was like all the air abandoned my lungs- I had none to scream.

With a loud gasp, I pulled myself up. The room was dark again but now it was because the maids had put out the candles. The rich tapestry, the buttery wallpaper - not even a speck of blood. I wiped the sweat from my neck with a shaky hand. My chest rapidly moved up and down with each laboured breath.

"What.......was that?" I whispered to myself. Perhaps, this case was already driving me insane. I pulled my knees close to my chest and rolled my shoulders before sighing.

The nightmare had felt so real- I still felt disoriented. Sitting atop the plush pillows, I pulled my hair away from my face and gulped down some water. I was unbearably warm but not stupid enough to open the window. Much like my prediction, a snowstorm had hit us. The wind howling among other things, did not bring any relief.

The heart- it was downstairs. In the laboratory. We had bought it from the coachman's house to the palace but there was no way to know if it was indeed his heart or not. His daughter had become hysterical when officers had tried to talk to her after Ravenswood and I had left. Until we found a body- there was no way to confirm whether he was alive or not. I ran my hand over the blanket and pressed my eyes shut. I did not have dreams very often but ever since I had arrived here, they were a constant. Sometimes, they were pleasant like dreams of my sister at out palace but the rest.......

A wolf howled outside and I almost jumped out of my skin. As if the storm wasn't enough. Without anything in mind, I picked up a candle, lit it and stepped outside of my chambers. Whatever I hoped to find would find me. Every now and then, I would hear a quiet giggle from the guards that I could only see from afar. They stood alert but occasionally, one would crack a joke and the rest would cover their mouths in an attempt to be silent. I heard the mention of a Monica and a Beatrice. Someone whispered about a James.

Eventually, I turned inwards and distracted myself with the portraits on the walls. I could see some of Julius in them - the proud brow, the snobby smirk, the glittering eyes. The sound of my nightgown against the marble was soon joined by that of leather against the floor. I watched as an abnormally disheveled Ravenswood appeared in front of me.

I almost giggled at the sight of him then. He looked boyish with his shirt untucked and mass of hair sticking out in all directions, golden eyes slowly taking me in- the true picture of a young Prince.

He said something, which was incomprehensible due to the fact that a paintbrush was sticking out of his mouth. I reached forward and pulled out it.

"What are you doing wandering out here?" He frowned.

"Why? I can't?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't say that." He mumbled, awkwardly holding the two cans of paint in his hands.

"What are you planning on doing with those?" I pointed his brush at them.

His face lit up, "Do you want to join in?"

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