Chapter 23

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I used to think that life consisted of two things-survival, and hope. You could never have one thing without the other, and I relied on both to stay alive. 

Now, I don't know what my life consists of. My mornings are spent training with Cass, and then I spend my afternoons with either Rhys or Amren as they instruct me on how to properly use my 'gift.' Because according to them, that's what I have. 

I can't stop thinking it as a burden. 

Every time I think I might be getting closer to understanding my power, Rhys throws another task in front of me-tasks that take me hours to complete. "Just focus on the place you want to go-picture it in your mind." Rhys instructs, and I scrunch my brow, trying to visualize the grove of trees he's instructing me to winnow to.

A line of sweat lines my forehead as I concentrate, the late afternoon sun bearing down on us. I attempt to pull the image into my mind-I picture every branch in the gods damned tree-to no avail. 

Sighing, I rub my temples, shaking my head. "I obviously won't be getting this today Rhys. Can we just-"

Our conversation is rudely interrupted as Azriel winnows into the clearing, and my entire body stills as he walks over to Rhys-not even giving me a second glance. I can't stop my eyes that sweep over him, taking in the tight armor, the messed hair. 

I could look at him for hours, but I force my gaze away as the events of the last night come rushing back. I meant what I said-every word, but the pain in my chest didn't subside when he left-if anything it just got worse. 

Rhysand sends a furtive glance towards me, and I cross my arms over my chest, trying not to notice the way that Azriel turns his back towards me-try not to let the hurt show on my face as I wait for the two to stop conversing. 

Rhysand pauses for a moment before nodding his head, and without another second going by, Azriel has once again winnows- leaving me and Rhysand alone in the clearing. "Do I even want to know what this is about?" I ask, giving Rhys a cock of an eyebrow. 

The Lord sighs, running  a hand across his face before turning to face me. That's when I notice the piece of paper in his hand, and he doesn't say anything before holding it out to me. I give the piece of parchment a wary look. "What's that?" I question, but he doesn't answer as I take it from his hands. 

My fingers move quick to unfold the paper, my eyes quickly scanning the page. "It's a map." I observe, and Rhys rolls his eyes. 

"Azriel found the Asrai." The words don't register at first, but when they do, I instantly look again at the map in my hands, my eyes scanning every detail of the page. When my eyes fall on the small, nondescript land in the middle of the large mass of ocean, my breath stalls in my lungs. 

It's labeled clearly-the small island looking like nothing more than a small dot compared to the vastness of the sea and land surrounding it. I look up at Rhys, hope swirling around in my stomach. "I-I don't know what to say.." I murmur quietly, my finger gliding over the island. 

This little dot of land holds the answers to the questions I've been asking myself ever since Rhys told me about my real parentage. I know that I owe it to myself to learn the truth about who I am-who my father is. 

"If you want, I can have a ship ready tomorrow. It's a two day trip." Rhys offers, and I hesitate. My mind flits towards my sister-who is all alone in a court that she despises. What if something happens to her and I'm not here or- "I promise that if anything happens, I can let you know." Rhys reassures me, interrupting my thoughts. 

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