Chapter 18

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The fae were once our rulers-our masters. We lived under their thumb, working for free and being treated like the dirt under their shoes. The Fae shared no qualms about killing us-we were less than them, we were fodder for the grass. 

Which is why when Hybern murdered their slaves rather than turn them over, I don't think anyone was surprised. By letting us go they were admitting that we were at least somewhat equal to them-and while we don't have the same prowess and abilities, we had the same desires, the same wants and needs. 

I wonder how Liam would react to my new body-if he would scream and run, or kiss every single breadth of smoothed skin. I wonder if he too would marvel at the new planes of my face-how my green eyes now glowed in the light, how my hair shined with a natural glow. 

This body was mine-but it was the body of a Fae. Any and all imperfections have bee wiped away-including the callouses and scars that used to cover my hands and arms. It felt like I was born again-but this time I had no idea who I was, or what to do with the new life I was given. 

The room that Mor brought me to was modest and airy-the balcony doors leading to a perfect night sky that I could look at for hours. 

The bed was large-and fitted with silky black sheets that didn't even hold a single wrinkle. The walls were bare, and the small desk in the corner only held a few sheets of paper with some ink. Soon after Mor left, two women entered my room, neither of them saying a word as they slipped inside.

They both looked scarily similar, with matching black hair and dark skin-as well as black eyes that seemed to blend in with the shadows. They were both clad in dark dresses that revealed more skin than I thought possible, their legs showing in the slits and their breasts practically popping out of the top. 

They moved completely silently, their faces void of any emotion as they helped me into a tub of hot water, and proceeded to clean the blood off my skin. My body was so exhausted that I let them do it, but when their fingers moved to my hair, I pushed them away, remembering the feeling of my hair being pulled as I was plunged into the Cauldron. 

They dressed me into some sheer nightgown, the fabric softer than anything I had ever felt, before they both slipped out once more, once again leaving me to my own devices. 

I don't hesitate before moving towards the bed, my body thankful for the reprieve as I laid down. I could feel sleep lurking around a corner, inching it's way closer as my mind wandered. The magic in the air here seemed to always be around, floating and hover above me like a blanket, although I made no move to bring it closer.

The power I had exhibited over Azriel was like a dream-one that felt wrong and thrilling at the same time. I can remember the way my blood heated when I healed him, the way my mind seemed to clear as I realized he would be alright. 

The room was silent as I got comfortable, and when I finally drifted off to sleep, I had half hoped I wouldn't wake back up. 


In the morning, my body felt better than it ever has, and for a moment, I had completely forgotten where I was-what had happened. 

But as soon as I look into the floor length mirror on the side of the room-every memory comes rushing back. My flawless skin, newly planed face and pointed ears were proof enough about what happened, but I could do nothing but stare at myself in the mirror. 

I looked like a whole new person-and I could barely recognize myself. 

Nesta once called me beautiful- but the person looking back at me in the mirror was devastating. 

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