Chapter 27

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**Mature Content Ahead, Read at own Risk**

"You look half dead." Titus observes the next morning, and I sigh, rubbing my temples. I had a  few too many glasses of wine at the ball-and my body was certainly punishing me for it. I woke up this morning to an empty bed-and wherever Azriel had vanished to was unknown to me. 

"You were notably absent last night." I point out, and Titus shrugs his shoulders, looking out towards my balcony. 

"No one other than my brother knows that I'm back- and I would prefer to keep it that way. The gossipmongers would have a field day if they knew I returned." He explains, and I understand in a way. 

Me leaving my family without a husband practically caused an uproar amongst the ladies-and I was gifted a handful of dirty and absconding looks. I wasn't at the manor long enough for people to talk-however I knew if that if word were to get around that I had returned, I would have gotten an ear full of rumors and comments that I wouldn't have enjoyed in the slightest. 

My mind wanders to the night before-the dances that me and Azriel had shared. I remember how everything seemed to fade away-how it felt like we had the whole room to ourselves. "How do mating bonds work with the Asrai?" I ask suddenly, turning around to look at Titus.

The fae looks slightly amused by the question, and I can see the assumption in his eyes as he looks at me. "In Prythian, they hold parties so that the female can offer the male food as a symbol that they accept  the bond. Here, the Asrai are more... reserved. The bond is accepted privately, somewhere for just the two of them. It's here that the female will offer the male a bracelet-one that matches their own. The bracelet is a link between the couple, said to keep them linked together for eternity. Sometimes it's done with a small familial gathering, but most times it's alone, considering after you accept the bond things get... heated." My face flushes at the thought of things once again becoming physical, but the idea of accepting the bond between us is becoming more and more hard to ignore. 

"If I wanted to... purchase such a bracelet-where would I find one?" I question, and the knowing smile that crosses Titus' face makes my nerves grow. 

"I'm sure my brother intends to show you the city soon-there's a shop there, The Jewel's Eye. You should be able to find what you want there." He tells me, and I silently nod my head in thought. 

I've spent the last few months denying everything involving the mating bond. I've told Azriel himself that I wouldn't ever be able to accept it. But I know that even without the bond between us, I can't fight the attraction I feel towards the Fae, as loathe as I am to admit it. 

And being here-away from the war and the incessant problem of my sisters is making me notice more and more qualities about Azriel that I didn't know existed. Every time we talk or are even just around each other, I feel drawn to him, and not just because of the bond. 

He just... feels right. "So I take it you plan on accepting the mating bond?" Titus inquires,  and I purse my lips, running my hand through my tangled hair.

"I don't know what I'm planning Titus. I'm meeting with Adrian soon, and other than that I have no idea." I answer, walking around the room to grab my boots that were haphazardly thrown on the ground. "And where is Azriel? He just disappeared this morning." I ask, looking around the room. 

"He had some letters to dispatch and collect from his High Lord-I ran into him early this morning." Titus says while walking towards the door. "Whenever you're ready I'll take you to my esteemed brother." He waits for me to finish pulling on my boots before opening the door, and I walk past him and into the hallway beyond. 

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