Chapter 33

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I wake up when we stop walking, we're back in the cave. Indra is gone, I don't know why she left. Bellamy is still here and chained up. "Where's Lincoln?" He asks after we all walk in. "Pike put a bullet in his brain" Octavia says, not looking at her brother. "O. O I am so sorry" Bellamy tries to apologize. Octavia sobs before turning around and punching Bellamy in the face. I flinch in Miller's arms, not expecting the sudden movement. Octavia punches him again. "Octavia, that's enough" Kane tells her. "Kane stay out of this" Bellamy says. The others look away as she punches him more. Miller sets me down by Harper before trying to grab Octavia "ok stop. That's enough" he says only to get pushed back by her. "Miller back off" Bellamy tells him, not once has he hit back. Octavia hits him one last time, knocking him down. "You're dead to me" she tells him as she holds back another sob.

"I say we run two men patrols around the clock starting now" Bryan says adding more sticks to the fire. "We'll do that, but we should be safe here. The grounder blockade is too close to risk Pike looking for us" Kane reminds him. It was my idea to find a cave close to the blockade. "Yeah big are we safe from the blockade" Bryan asks. "As long as we stay on this side we should be" I tell him. "They're grounders. You really think they're gonna play by the rules?" He asks. "Hey, Pike will want you dead now too. We take him out, we can go home" Miller tells his boyfriend. "We take him out the grounders lift the blockade" Harper adds. "That's right. We become the thirteenth clan again. Those were the terms" Kane says. "Lexa's terms. If what Bellamy says is true and she's dead, how do we know the next commander will honor them?" Sinclair asks. "We don't, but one problem at a time" I say. "What about Clarke? With Lexa gone, she's not safe at Polis" Miller chimes in. "Clarke made her choice. The only thing that matters now is killing Pike" Octavia says sticking her sword into the dirt. "Octavia is right. Once we resume our place in the commander's coalition, Clarke will be safe. So how do we do it?" Kane asks. "Bellamy come in" Monty's voice crackles over the radio. "It's Monty, I'm in trouble. Please say you still have your radio". Miller takes out the radio and hands it over to Kane. "If we respond and Pike is listening" I start but get cut off by Bellamy "we go to Channel 7. Please say you still have your radio. That's seven words after the word trouble. It's code yo to seven" he tells Kane who hesitated for a second before switching over to channel seven. "Bellamy are you there?" Monty asks. "Monty it's Kane. What's wrong?" "Puke knows that I helped you get out" he tells us. "Can you get to the drop ship?" "I think so" "good go there. I'll bring you in. Stay off the radio over and out" Kane says. Yay time to go on an adventure. "Hold on what I'd it's a trap and Pike is waiting?" Harper asks. "That's why I'm going alone" Kane tells her. No he's not. "Like hell you are" Octavia says as we both stand up. "I'm with Octavia. Monty saved our lives. I'm going too" Miller says loading his rifle. "No your not. If it is a trap, I'm not marching out entire insurgency into it" Kane tells him. "To stop us you're going to have to kill us" I tell him as Octavia puts on her jacket. "She hopes it's a trap" Bellamy motions to his sister. "He's coming too. We'll need a hostage to trade for Monty" She adds glaring at him. "Thats a good plan. He stays chained, gag him" Kane agrees. "Sir, with all due respect" "he's the enemy. Do what I said" Kane interrupts Miller. I grab my sword the words carved into the blade catching my eye "Strik Gona" I quickly shove the sword into its sheath and busy myself with fixing my fingerless gloves.

We walk into through the gates of the old drop ship, weapons drawn, Bellamy held in front of us with a gun pointing at him. "Monty" Kane calls out, "we got here first". We walk a few steps before I see something move "no we didn't" I tell them. "What are you doing?" Kane asks Octavia, who has her sword at Bellamys throat. "Get outside. Now" she screams. Month slowly emerges, Pike with a gun at Monty's head soon follows. "They followed me, I'm sorry" Monty says quietly. "Let him go Pike" Kane says pointing his rifle at Pike's head. "Can't do that" Pike mumbles something into his radio and a bullet lands at our feet causing us to jump. He must have guards in the trees or something. I tighten my grip on my sword. "It's over. Put down your weapons" "shoot him" I tell Kane. "Monty's in the shot" he whispers. "Come on Marcus" another shot lands at the ground, I look around but don't see anyone. "I promised Monty's mother that I'd bring him home alive. Don't make me a liar" Kane reluctantly puts his rifle on the ground and his hands in the air. I drop my sword, my knife is hidden up my sleeve, I just have to wait for a chance to hit Pike. "Now you" he says motioning to Octavia. She pulls Bellamy closer and digs her sword into his neck deeper. Pike says something into the radio but before anything can happen Bellamy grabs her arm and twists it, causing her to drop the sword. About ten guards come out and cuff us, Bellamy holds his hands up in surrender. "Now you don't look so good" Pike tells him, referring to the bruises on his face from Octavia. "I'm fine" he mumbles. "You got about five seconds to make believe you're still with me" Pike warns. "All the others are in a cave not far from here" he tells Pike. "You bastard" I yell jumping at him, only to get hit with a shock baton. My eyes flutter closed as Bellamy says something about coordinates.

"Sure about the route? We're getting close to the blockade line" Pike says as we walk through the woods. "That's why Kane set up out here. He didn't think we'd risk it" Bellamy tells him. "Well he was wrong". Bellamy asks about what will happen to Octavia. I look around and realize this isn't the right way to the cave, he missed a turn a few yards ago, the cave is hidden. Either Bellamy is a dumbass or he really is on our side, I'm guessing the latter.

"Hold on" Pike says stopping. "Now the caves just on the other side" Bellamy points. "Keep a sharp eye out" Puke says as he cautiously walks forward. A horn can be heard through the air and I finally realize what Bellamy had planned. He's giving Pike to the grounders. "The blockade. Anybody got eyes. Back to higher ground" Pike yells, trying to run away. "Drop your weapon" Bellamy says pointing a hand gun at Pikes head. "What the hell are you doing?" "Drop your weapon" Bellamy yells. I trip a guard that tries to walk towards him, Octavia does the same. "We bring you chancellor Pike of the sky people. Ash translate" Bellamy requests. I pull the clothe out of my mouth and yell "we bring you chancellor Pike of Skaikru" "you've killed us all" Pike yells. "Take him. Lift this blockade". "Take him. Lift this blockade" as I finish yelling arrows fly through the air, hitting Pike's guards. Grounders jump down from the trees and surround us. Octavia tries to kill Pike bug Kane stops her, the grounders need justice this time. Pike tries to escape but gets kicked in the face. Grounders drag him away and Kane follows, wanting to talk to the new commander. I slip the knife out of my sleeve and cut the rope off my wrists, making sure I don't cut myself in the process. I put my knife back into my boot and grab my sword out of the hands of  one of Pike's dead guards. I slide it back into my sheath and throw my dirty hair into a messy bun.

Sorry this chapter took longer than usual. I'm sick and am currently waiting for the results of a Covid test.

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