Chapter 54

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"Gross" Madi says looking at the wound on Octavia's arm. "Madi" Clarke says in a warning voice, it's still weird to see her as a mother. "The infections passing, but this is going to hurt. Are you sure you don't want Jackson?" Clarke asks. "Jackson is tending to Indra and the others in med bay. Just do it" Octavia replies. Clarke holds the cloth covered in alcohol to Octavia's injured arm. "Madi is a big fan. She's heard every story about the girl under the floor who saved the human race" Clarke smiles softly. Octavia turns her head over to the girl "now what's your story? You survived six years of radiation. What's your secret?". "Synthetic night blood, like me. I took her to Becca's lab and shared my bone marrow to keep her alive" Clarke explains. I know this is a lie Clarke didn't have enough time to get back to the lab and share her bone marrow, even if she did it wouldn't work. Two years after we got to the ring I had remembered something I overheard in Mount Weather, it took 48 hours before your body would be able to withstand the radiation after getting the transplant. This is why the man they tested on died. I never told any of the others about this, it would have just given hope that Clarke could be alive, which we thought was impossible before seeing her. So I just kept it to myself and I'll continue doing so because a born night blood might make people want a commander and Madi must be younger than me, definitely not old enough to rule. "You're lucky Clarke found you".

"That might be Diyoza's voice, but those are Kane's words" Octavia says as the radio gets shut off, she's different now, colder than before. "He knows where we're vulnerable and he's sharing it with the enemy" Jackson adds. "We need to assume others will be willing to do the same, in the arena Kane openly defied you to stir dissent, and dissent spreads like any virus" Octavia's guard Cooper explains. "Ash leave you're to young for this conversation" Octavia turns to me. "Too young my ass" I growl under my breath as I slam the door behind me. I pass Clarke and Bellamy both on their way to talk to Octavia.

I walk down back into the bunker and see Gaia training a bunch of kids. She offers me a warm smile "Ash these are Wonkru's training warriors, you are welcome to join us if you would like". I smile back at her and glance around at the kids in front of me they vary in age from around 7-14 they all have wooden swords instead of real ones. "No offense Gaia but I think I'm a little advanced for them, thank you for the offer though" I reply. "Of course, you would probably be more fit to train with our actual warriors, I'm sure Miller would spare with you if you asked him" she tells me. I nod but before I can reply a girl around my age maybe a year or two older runs in, she has a toddler on her hip. I study her features as she apologizes for being late. I snap out of my gaze when she turns to me "Olive Kom Trikru and this is my little sister Aria" she says extending her hand out, I shake her a hand a light blush across my cheeks when I realize she might have caught me staring. "Ash Kom Skaikru" I tell her. I no longer use the last name summers, grounders don't have last names so it isn't really a problem and if for some reason I did need to tell someone my last name I would likely use Murphy or Blake for a last name.  "So you are the Strik Gona, I have heard much about you Octavia speaks very highly of you as well as Indra and Miller" Olive tells me. "Olive has trained under Blodreina and has become somewhat of a second to her" Gaia tells me, I hum to show I'm listening. "Well Im going to go find out what is going on I won't keep you guys any longer, I'll see you around?" I ask Olive. "Yeah I'll come find you at some point" she tells me with a smile that lights up her eyes. I smile back and wave goodbye to Aria who waves a chubby little hand at me in return. I set off towards where Octavia was meeting with her people. They are planning something and I'm going to be a part of it.

I walk up to Clarke and Bellamy as Octavia and the others walk away. "What's going on?" I ask them. "That's not my sister. Clarke?" He asks when Clarke doesn't respond. Clarke mumbles an apology and walks towards Gaia who is talking to Madi. Bellamy fills me in on how Octavia ordered Cooper  to shoot anyone who tries to deflect. I sigh and the both of us walk off Octavia is training and Bellamy goes to spare with her. I go to the next room and find Miller. "How about a little practice?" I ask taking my sword out of its sheath. He smirks and pulls out a sword of his own. His moves are predictable, he most likely learned from Indra or Octavia, my style is more unique, Echo taught me multiple different fighting techniques so my enemy would be less likely to predict my next move. After a few minutes of blocking each other's hits he sweeps a foot under my leg and knocks me to the ground, I don't let this stop me I get up and knock him over causing both of us to tumble to the ground, I use my foot to hold down his dominate hand so he can't pick his sword up and hold my own sword against his neck careful not to cut his throat. He pushes me off and I can hear him mumble "damn Samurai" I snort remembering back at the drop ship when the 100 was at war with the grounders.

I walk around what is left of Polis, it's dark now and Echo will be deflecting soon. She refuses to give the names of the deflectors so she is going to take the flash drive to Raven so she can help Monty get rid of the eye in the sky. Octavia says she isn't going to shoot the defectors but I don't believe her. We've all changed over the last six years but she has the most and not necessarily for the better. Turns out I was right, Octavia gave the order to shoot the deflectors,  she said it made it more believable. Echo made it on the ship tho so we at least know she's alive.



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A/n I'm sorry this took so long to upload

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I'm sorry this took so long to upload. I honestly had no idea what I wanted to do for the rest of this book especially season 5. I should be updating more now that I have something of a plan for how this book will end.

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