Chapter 32

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Octavia and I walk through the gates of the drop ship. Miller had radioed and told us Bellamy would be here. "Glad you came" Bellamy tells us. I look around to make sure it's not a trap. Pike knows Octavia and I are working against him. "I'm alone Ash. I'm here to help" he says. Octavia walks over to him with her arms open like she's about to hug him, instead she stabs him with a reaper stick. "Sleep well big brother" she says as he passes out. We head back to the cave where Indra is.

"It was a mistake to bring him here" Indra tells us as Bellamy finally opens his eyes. "He was out the whole way, and I searched him for bugs" Octavia tells her. "You think I'd let them hurt you two?" Bellamy asks sounding slightly offended. "Shut your mouth" Indra growls at him. "Indra we talked about this" Octavia whispers. "You waste time. You should be in there camp by now" "no. It's suicide Pike will be expecting you. You two won't get close I can" Bellamy yells. "We can save them, but we have to work together" Bellamy says like he has been on our side the whole time. "You're the reason they need saving" I tell him. "Maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that you  need me Octavia" he says looking at his sister. "For the first time in my life, that's not true" Octavia says to him before leaving. I follow her and can hear Bellamy yelling "O".

Octavia and I sneak back into camp, the execution is soon and we have to save them. "The package is on the move. I repeat the package is on the move. We are a go. A Ok S, is your team in position" Harper whispers through the radio. "Roger that. We're in position and ready to intercept" Octavia says. "Sir, you were right. Octavia Blake and Ash Summers are here and they are not alone" Hannah Green says through the radio. So far the plan is going perfectly.

I hold my breath as I hear Pike barge in the room and search for Kane, Lincoln, and Sinclair. I hear him kick something and then leave. Octavia pushes the floor tile up and I look out. "All clear" I tell them and hoist the two rifles up before climbing out. "It's a little bit tight in there" Kane says as Octavia unlocks his hands. "Try doing it for sixteen years" she tells him. Abby and Miller are outside the door waiting for us along with Bryan, who is apparently on our side now. "A Ok S come in" Harper whispers over the radio. "This wasn't the plan. We used their frequencies so they could hear us. Go ahead" I say the last part into the radio. "Stay where you are. Repeat. Stay where you are the exit is not clear" Harper tells us. "How many guards?" I ask. We could fight off a few guards if we had to. "Too many. I said stay put" Harper tells me. "Calling all guards. The prisoners are headed for the main gate. The prisoners are headed for the main gate. Over" I hear Monty yell over the Ark wide channel. "That was Monty" Octavia tells us. "Guess he's with us after all" Miller says. "Pike could find out" Kane whispers. "We don't know that. What we do know is that we have to move" Abby tells us and we run.

"Go go go" Harper says rushing the others into the passage way. "Attention all citizens emergency lock down is in effect" I hear over the radio. I look out into the hallway to make sure guards aren't coming. Abby leaves and Octavia rushes over to Lincoln with the radio, pulling me along. "I have a message for the traitors in this camp. There will be an execution today. Either turn yourselves in or the other grounder prisoners will die in your place" Pike says. "Let's go" Octavia says trying to get Lincoln to leave. He walks around her towards the exit. "No way" Octavia says grabbing him. "I can't let them die because of me" he tells her. "Lincoln please. We're almost out" Octavia says, her voice is shaky. "I know what you're feeling, but they're searching the station. We need to go, now" Kane tells him. "You should" Lincoln nods. "Fine. I'm going with you. We fight together" Octavia tells him. "I love you" Lincoln whispers. He kisses her then stabs her with a reaper stick, "no". Octavia whispers as she passes out. Lincoln catches her before she can fall and hands her to Kane. "What are you doing?" Kane asks. "The same thing you'd do for your people. Just get them out of here" he tells Kane before bending down to my height. "Don't do this" I whisper to him. "Hey. You'll be ok. Never stop fighting, ok Strik Gona. Don't give up. Stay strong" he says hugging me and kissing the top of my head. "May we meet again" I tell him. I watch Lincoln walk away before climbing into the passage way.

After a while of walking Octavia wakes up. "Lincoln" she whispers stumbling off of her horse and looking at Arkadia. After a minute I follow her. I can see Linky say something, but he's to far away to be able to hear it. Pike pulls out a handgun and shoots him in the head. My stays blank as he falls to the ground, I don't cry, I don't react. "No" Octavia sobs before her gaze hardens and she glares at Pike. "Come on" Miller says picking me up. I lay my head on his shoulder and instantly fall asleep, too exhausted emotionally and physically to keep my eyes open any longer.

Poor Linky. I didn't do a chapter for 3x08 because Octavia wasn't in that episode and Ash was with Octavia so I didn't really have anywhere to add Ash in.

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