Chapter 55

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"Bellamy you've been staring at that all night. Go. Get some sleep, ok? I got this" Harper tells Bellamy all three of us are looking at the screen waiting for word that the eye in the sky is down. "It's been eight hours, Raven could have built a cathedral by now" Bellamy tells us. "Maybe they haven't had time to do it yet, they have to be careful about this bell it isn't exactly safe" I tell him. "They'll get it done" Harper reassures him. "I know. I just wish it was me over there" Bellamy says. The door opens and Octavia opens the door followed by Indra. "Well, any word?" Octavia asks. "Look we knew it would take some time. We can count on echo" Harper tries to reassure Octavia. "Wouldn't be the first time she betrayed us" Octavia replies. "If your brother trusts her maybe we should too" Indra says but Octavia ignores her. "You're still upset we shot the traitors. I get how that must look to you, but we're fighting for our lives here, Bellamy. The hydro farm is on its last legs. Truth is, it's a miracle you showed up when you did. I haven't thanked you enough for that. If we can just get to shallow valley things will be better, I promise" Octavia says her voice no longer as harsh as it was before. Bellamy doesn't turn around to face her "funny" he starts "that's the same thing we said about getting back down to the ground. Then we found you" he finally turns to look at his little sister. Octavia's face falls slightly before she turns around and walks off. I follow her.

"I get it you know" I tell her. She stops and turns to look at me, "get what Strik gona?" She asks me. "Why you don't trust Echo. She never once helped you when we were on the ground she tried to kill you more than once she betrayed her people" I say. "Why are you telling me this Ash?" Octavia asks. "Because you don't get why I trust her. Even before we went to the ring she helped me, she spared me when she stabbed you on that cliff and she was there on the ring for those six years when you couldn't be. It wasn't good for me being back up there Octavia and she helped me" I tell her. Octavia runs a hand over my cheek lovingly before her face hardens once again and she walks off.

"Back again?" Gaia asks me as I walk into the training ring. "Yeah" I answer simply, looking at the girl I had met the previous day. "I see someone has a crush" Gaia whispers. "Shut up" I tell her as the two of us watch the trainees. "Strike high, defend. Strike low. Focus. Strong stances. Again strike high. Defend. Strike low" Gaia orders the kids. One of the boys knocks Madi off of her feet and I help her up while Gaia scolds him. "I expect more from Wonkru warriors. Honor, strength, community. We'll be at war soon, and there's nothing funny about that. Get to class. Madi and Olive stay back please" Gaia requests as she finishes yelling at her students. Gaia talks quietly with Madi before showing her something but her back is turned away from us and we can't see. After a couple of minutes Madi goes off probably to find Clarke and Gaia turns to Olive "Olive I believe your training here is done, you are ready to become a Wonkru warrior" Olive smiles as Gaia tells her this and I congratulate her.

Olive and I are talking as we walk down the hall together when suddenly a pissed off Bellamy grabs my arm "We need to talk" he says not giving me any chance to argue before filling me in on Octavia's plan to use the worms to kill everyone in the valley, including the people I have spent the last 6 years calling my family. I guess he thinks I can talk some sense into Octavia while he and the others try to make a plan to get our people out, I don't know if there if I can though but I do know that I have to try.

"Octavia Blake" I scream as I walk down the hallway after her, some of Wonkru look at me like I am crazy but I know she won't do anything to me and even if she did I could defend myself, I'm not scared of Blodreina. "Ash Summers" Octavia replies in a deadly calm voice, this just makes me even more angry, "i don't go by that name anymore" I tell her. "What do you want Ash?" Octavia asks as if my presence annoys her. "Why are you doing this. You can't possibly think of any other way that doesn't include killing everyone?" I yell. "You don't know anything about this Ash" Octavia tells me. "Don't you talk to me like I'm a child Octavia I know a lot more than you think. I know that Lincoln's death broke you, I know you never wanted to lead but after we went up to space and Clarke was stuck in the ruins. I know that you have changed in the last 6 years trust me we all have, hell I even know why you are doing this, it's the easy way out, but you are a coward Octavia. Just like Lexa was a coward at Mount Weather when she traded our people for hers. Do you think this is what Lincoln would have wanted, look me in the eyes and tell me he would be proud of you right now" All my anger spills out at Octavia but at the same time I know she needs to hear this. "Lincoln is dead" is all she replies with. I scoff "Blodreina, The  Red Queen? You are a fucking joke. I promise you this Blake if you kill my family I will never forgive you" I turn and walk away before she can answer.

I'm still angry as I slam into someone while walking down the hallway. I look into the eyes of Olive, "are you alright?" She asks me. "I'm ok, sorry for bumping into you and for earlier" I apologize to her. "C'mon you look like you could use a break why don't you come hang out with me?" She asks smiling at me. "I don't know, the others they might need me" I hesitate. "I'm sure they will be fine and if they aren't they will come find you" she tells me. Her soft hand grabs mine and I allow her to pull me into her room. We sit on her bed our hands still connected and talk about whatever comes to our minds. It's nice to be able to talk to someone about something other than fighting, killing, and war. I stop laughing when I notice Olive staring at me "what?" I ask confused. She smiles at me "nothing you just have a really pretty laugh" she tells me. I feel my cheeks heat up and try to cover my face with my hands to avoid embarrassment, Oli pulls my hands away from my face and we look into each other's eyes, I see her eyes glance down at my lips before they go back up to my eyes. I lean in and softly connect my lips to hers, I half expect her to pull back from me but instead she kisses me back. After what feels like forever but was probably only a minute she pulls away and smiles at me breathlessly "let's go watch the trainees fight, everyone is going to be there" I nod and we go off to the arena picking up her little sister on the way.

We watch as Gaia tries to stop Madi from fighting in front of Octavia but she is unsuccessful, my free hand slips into Olive's hand while my other one holds Aria to my hip, the little girl insisted that I hold her and I couldn't say no to her. We watch as Madi fights against a boy quickly getting back up after she is knocked down, she continues fighting showing off the skills that she had been hiding most likely at Clarke's request "enough" Gaia yells causing Madi to stop fighting with the boy who is now on the ground. She offers him a hand up and he cautiously accepts. "Gaia, fit her for armor and get her a real sword" Octavia instructs before turning to Madi "Madi, we are about to fight a war on your land. For your land, and I could really use a second who knows the terrain when we get there. What do you say Madi Kom Wonkru?" Octavia asks offering her arm out for the young girl Madi responds by gripping Octavia's arm. This causes me to tighten my grip on Olive making sure it isn't so tight that it will hurt her. I know Octavia has some agenda with this, keep Madi close so that she won't betray her or something else. I also know that deep down I miss the relationship I had with Octavia back before I went back up to space, I wasn't her second but she was the first person I grew close to out of the hundred and I can't help but feel like she abandoned me even though I was the one who chose to go to get Raven. I can't help but think what would have happened if I stayed in the bunker with her, would I be the one helping her plan this war, would I be referring to Raven, Murphy, and Echo as acceptable losses? I space out as theses thoughts fill my head and barely notice Madi walking away with Octavia.

A/n I'm sorry I haven't been updating this story often I have a lot going on right now but I don't plan on abandoning this book and hope to finish it sometime in the near future.

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