Chapter 47

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"You do know that Roan is going to try and kill us all right?" I ask Kane. Indra had only agreed to let one Azgeda live. "Maybe he will come quietly" he says. I shrug knowing he won't. Kane had agreed to let me come to meet the others that were coming back from Becca's lab. "Gentlemen, it's good to see you. Just ah wait here" Kane says greeting Miller and Jackson. "Hey munchkin" Miller says messing with my hair. I roll my eyes at him as I try to flatten it. "Where are the guards?" Roan asks. "Our people aren't back from Arkadia yet"  Kane lies. "Kane don't. Roan" Clarke yells as she runs out from the trees. Roan pulls out his sword and Trikru soldiers appear. "Trikru? What is this?" Roan says as the men charge at him. "There doesn't have to be any violence" Kane yells. With us there only seems to be violence. Arrows fly through the air and hit the Trikru guards as Azgeda soldiers run out from the woods. Someone grabs me and slams me hard to the ground, I struggle and try to wiggle out of their grip as they tie me up. I look over to see Echo standing in a clearing "welcome back to Polis my king" she greets Roan.

Jackson, Miller and I walk through Becca's lab to see Murphy and Emori. Kane had convinced Roan to leave us. "You guys ready or what?" Miller asks a confused Murphy. "Sorry we're late there's been some developments. Not all good we-" "we'll fill you in on the way" Miller cuts Jackson off with a hand on his shoulder. Those two are definitely going to date at some point. "Let's go get Raven, we don't have much time. Mass fiery death in five days" I remind them as Miller grabs one of the boxes on the floor. I watch as Murphy talks to Raven, it doesn't seem like she wants to go. "She's staying here" I whisper. Emori glances at me with a sad smile, I don't really know her, I've only met her once before. I see Raven pull Murphy into a hug before glancing at me. She turns around and starts talking to someone who isn't there. "Come on kiddo" Murphy says lifting me up onto his shoulders.

"Octavia kom Skaikru step forward. Accept the sigil of your clan and fight with honor as their champion" Gaia says as she clips the sigil around Tavia's neck. The grounders had found out about the bunker and instead of going to war over it they decided on one last conclave. The best warrior from each clan will fight to the death. The clan who wins takes the bunker and survives. Ilian the boy who burned down the ark is also fighting. "These warriors will fight until only one remains when that warrior collects all of the sigils from the fallen, and delivers them to me, they will be declared the victor. This final champion alone will tell us which clan is meant to survive in the crypt of Becca Pramheda, and which clans are meant to perish in praimfaya. We honor those who fall by the sword but follow the one who wields it best" Gaia finishes her speech. "That would be me" a voice calls out. I look behind me to see Luna pushing her way through the crowd. "I'm Luna kom flokru and I'm the last of my clan" "we know who you are, the natblida who ran from her conclave" Gaia seethes. "I'm not running from this one" Luna replies. "Accept this sigil Luna kom flokru, but with your clan gone who will you fight for?" Gaia questions. "I fight for no one. I fight for death" Luna yells. Well shit. The crowd starts mumbling to each other worried. "When I win. No one will be saved".

"Lincoln's tattoo" Indra says lifting Octavia's chin up to study the familiar war paint. "Don't fight with aggression. Don't reveal your next move before you strike" "and never leave myself exposed. I remember" Octavia finishes. "It's ok to be afraid" Indra tells her. "I'm not" Octavia says quietly. It reminds me of what Bellamy said to Charlotte in the cave just a few days after we landed, that's how you slay the demon. That was almost a year ago. Indra pulls out her sword "Gaia would never except this, but I hope that you will" Indra says offering her second the weapon. "Why are you helping me?" Octavia asks in a whisper "if I win that would mean the end of your people" she says glancing down at me. "You two are my people" Indra tells her. O nods and accepts the sword before Indra pulls her into a hug. "I taught you to fight, but who you fight for is up to you". Indra walks away and Tavia turns to me "hey Strik gona" she greets me. "You're going to win" I reassure her before walking away.

"She isn't going to like this" I hear a voice mumble as I pace back in forth in the safe zone. "That's why we are not giving her a choice" a voice whispers back. Someone grabs my head and before I can react I feel a sharp pain in my neck. I try to keep my eyes open and stay awake but am welcomed by darkness.

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