Chapter 44

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It's been an hour and I'm still lying in the middle of the forest. I don't get up until I can no longer hear the horses. I quickly climb into a tree and look around me. I can see the army, they are definitely headed towards Arkadia. I decide to head there anyway, it's not like I have anywhere else I can go. I have to take the longer way so the ice Nation doesn't see me. I use the trees to stay out of sight of anyone who might pass me. After a few hours I make it to Arkadia.

"Where's Clarke or Bellamy?" I ask the first person I see. I can't find them or any of the guards. "They left to stop the Ice Nation. Octavia is in medical" I barely let the man finish his sentence before I take off as fast as I can towards med bay. Octavia is alive. But she's hurt. "Tavia" I ask when I see her laying in a bed, she has a bandage around her torso. I'm guessing Echo stabbed her. "Ash? I thought you were dead" she says relived. I gently hug her, being careful so I don't hurt her. "How did I get here" Octavia gasps to Niylah who is staying with her. "A man brought you here. Trishanakru. You're lucky. If he hadn't found you-" "Ilian" Octavia cuts Niylah off.

"We've searched half the ship. What makes you so sure he's still here?" Niylah asks as she half drags Octavia around the ship. We still can't find Ilian. "You didn't see him in Polis. He was on a mission to destroy tech uh. It was no coincidence that he found me on my way here. He used me to get in" Octavia tells her as she leans against a wall. "This whole ship is tech" Niylah says as she looks around. "We need to go where the most damage could be done" I tell them. "The server room. This way" Octavia says and we rush towards the server room.

"Ilian no" Octavia yells as the man stands over a pile of gasoline with a torch in hand. "Whatever you do here it won't bring your family back" Octavia continues. "No one needs to die especially not a child. You should all leave" he tells us. "Please the engine room is right below us. If it blows you will destroy the whole ship" I tell him. "That's the idea" he tells us. "Ash and I were prisoners on this ship. I hate this place, but now we need it" Octavia pleads. "Ilian please don't do this". "We're you in the city of light?" He asks. "No" O whispers. "Then you will never understand" he says dropping the torch. "No no Ilian" Octavia tries to stop him. I scream as the fire reaches my arm. Niylah, Octavia and I are blown back as the one thing that was going to save blows up.

"Niylah? Ash?" I hear Octavia cough. I try to answer her but my lungs are filled with smoke. "What the hell are you doing here?" Octavia asks. I look up to see she is talking to Ilian. "Make sure you don't die" he tells her as he helps her and Niylah up. He tries to help me too but I refuse it.

I make it outside and people are panicking. I try to find someone I recognize but everything is a blur. In the crowds of people I lost Octavia and Niylah. Suddenly someone grabs me pulling me away from the fire. "Here take her" a voice yells as I am handed of to somebody else. "You're okay. You're okay. Ash it's ok. Calm down" someone tells me. I look up to see it's Monty holding me. Monty walks further away as the ship explodes again. I look next to me to see Echo and Roan. Roan looks surprised that I'm alive while Echo let's put a breath of relief, like she's glad I'm not dead. I honestly don't understand why she wants to protect me. I look in front of me to see Octavia in her brothers arms, Clarke holding her hand. All three of them are watching Arkadia burn to the ground.

"You inhaled a lot of smoke but you should be ok" Clarke tells me as she bandages my burned arm. "I thought you were dead" Bellamy says. "We all did" Kane adds. "Me included" Roan says as he walks in with Echo. "So how did you survive. Because you don't seem injured and Echo does not miss". "I don't know why don't you ask her" I shrug wincing as the pain in my arm worsens. Everyone turns to look at Echo. "I couldn't bring myself to kill a child. And if you think about it's a good thing I left her alive. Skaikru would never have kept the peace if they found out we killed their little warrior." Echo explains. "Damn right we wouldn't have" Bellamy says quietly. "You already thought she was dead when we made a truce" Roan points out. "Octavia survived so I figured Ash was alive until I had proof she was actually dead" Bellamy shrugs. "Oh while we are on the subject and me being dead where is my sword?" I ask. "Here" Echo says pulling it out and handing it to me. I slide it back into the sheath with my good arm.

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