Chapter 3

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It's been a couple days since we brought Jasper back and he's not any better. People are yelling that he should just die already. After waking up from him screaming I strap my knife to my leg and walk out of the tent I share with Octavia. I climb up the drop ship to where Jasper is. Clarke is heating a knife over a fire. "I'm not gonna like this am I?" Monty asks as Finn and Wells hold Jasper down. Jasper screams as Clarke uses a hot blade to cut away infected flesh. "Stop your killing him" Octavia says running up to us. "She's trying to save him" Finn tells her. "She can't" Bellamy says. I tune there fight about Jasper out and stare off into space. Earth is boring and I've realized I space out a lot. Eventually I come back to reality and climb down the drop ship. Bellamy said something about hunting and I wanted to leave camp. "Hey can I go hunting with you?" I ask walking up to him. "No you're a little kid and you don't have anything to hunt with" he tells me. "I'm not little and I do have something to hunt with. I can't stay in this stupid camp any longer or I'll go crazy" I tell him pulling out my knife to show him I have a weapon. "Fine and where did you get a knife?" He asks. "I made it" I tell him. "Ok let's go and don't slow us down" I nod and we head into the woods looking for animals. Eventually we find a boar. "She's mine" Bellamy whispers pulling out his ax. A branch snaps behind us and he turns around throwing the ax into a tree a 12 year old girl right next to said tree. The animal runs away and half of the boys run after it. "Who the hell are you" Bellamy asks as he grabs his ax. "Charlotte" the girl answers. "I almost killed you, why aren't you back at camp" Charlotte talks about how she couldn't listen to Jasper die. "He's not dying he's just hurt" I tell her. "There's grounders our here it's too dangerous for a little girl" Atom tells her. "I'm not little" Charlotte says. Bellamy gives her a knife and we keep moving.

Thick yellow fog filled the air and we all ran. I trip on a stick and fall to the ground "come on there are caves this way" Bellamy yells as he grabs the back of my jacket and lifting me up. Charlotte makes it to the cave with us but Atom got stuck in the fog. We decide to wait out the fog and sleep in the cave for the night. I bunch my jean jacket up and use it as a pillow. After sleeping for a while I wake up with a gasp, I had another nightmare about my parents. They used to hit me and trade my rations for moonshine. Even after they got floated they screwed me over. There the reason I was locked up. "No!" I look over to see Charlotte also having a nightmare. Bellamy wakes up and goes to comfort her he tells her to slay her demons, to hold her knife and say I'm not afraid. I roll over and try to go back to sleep, but before I do I think about the meaning of Bellamys words. If you tell her yourself your not afraid while your awake, you won't be afraid while you sleep, that's how you slay your demons. At least I think it is.

We wake up and walk out the cave to find the others. Charlotte goes ahead of us and we soon hear her scream. Atom is cover in burns from the fog. Bellamy tells us to go back to camp and we do. I knew what was happening Bellamy had to kill Atom. He wouldn't survive either way. I go to the drop ship where Monty and Jasper are. The medicine works and after a while Jasper wakes up. The first thing he does is ask for some of the alcohol the others were drinking.

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