Chapter 4

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Wells is dead. Killed by grounders apparently. Clarke is really upset which I find weird because she has hated him since we got to the ground.

"Look we are already there. Just a few steps ok, one foot after the other" Octavia tells Jasper as we walk outside the gate. "Hey, what's wrong" she asks when she realizes he isn't following us. "Huh? Oh nothing I'm good" Jasper says looking terrified. "Jasper it's been a week. You've been given a second chance and you've got to use it" before she can keep talking someone pulls her behind a tree. Jasper calls for her and I pull out my knife. "Ahh" some boys jumps out letting her go. "Hey jerk! Get the hell out of here. Jasper, come on. There's nothing to be afraid of" Octavia tells him. Jasper trips and falls to the ground. I look at the ground in front of him and see a knife and two fingers. Wells was found missing two fingers.

We quickly take what we found to Clarke and Bellamy. "This knife was made with metal from the drop ship" Clarke says inspecting the knife. "Who else knows about this?" Bellamy asks us. "No one we brought it straight here" O tells him. "Does this mean someone from camp killed Wells?" I ask no body in particular. "Yeah" Clarke says. "So there's a murderer in the camp?" Jasper asks. "There's more than one murderer in this camp. This isn't news we need to keep it quiet" Bellamy tells us. "Wouldn't someone in our camp killing people be a bad thing" I state but get ignored. Clarke realizes the knife belongs to Murphy and goes to confront him. Before I can even process what is happening people are yelling that Murphy should get floated. Some one ties him up and puts a rope over his head. Everyone is screaming for Bellamy to kick the crate from under him while Clarke tries to convince him not to. Octavia hides my face in her shirt as Bellamy kicks it. "What the hell are you doing. Cut him down. Charlotte, Ash get out of here" Finn screams as he runs into the crowd. "Just stop ok. Murphy didn't kill Wells, I did!" Charlotte yells. "Oh my god" Clarke says grabbing an ax and cutting the rope down.

Clarke and Finn take Charlotte while Bellamy tries to calm down an angry Murphy. Murphy turns around only to hit Bell with a stick and run after Charlotte, his little group going with him. Bellamy wakes up and follows him. "Who knee Murphy would go crazy" Tavia mumbles. "I mean we kinda hanged him" I tell her. After waiting for hours Clarke, Finn, and Bellamy come back and tell us what happened. They were now the leaders of our group. After a while I go to sleep.

After sleeping for a few hours I'm woken up by everyone shouting. A pod had come down from space, most likely from the Ark. "now we can kick some grounder ass" "please tell me they brought shampoo" a girl says. Why is she worried about shampoo when there's stuff we will need a lot more than that. "Everyone is ready to go" Tavia tells her brother. "No ones going anywhere. Not while it's dark it isn't safe. We will head out at first light pass the word" Bell tells us. Octavia tried to argue that we need to get there before the grounders do but he doesn't listen.

"Come on Ash we're going for the ship. My brothers gone he wants what ever is in there" Octavia says coming into our tent, I nod and grab my knife as we leave. "Bellamy what are you doing?" "Go back to camp. It isn't safe" "you lied to me. You lied to everyone. You just want whatever is in that pod" "just go home" Bellamy yells pushing his sister back. She stumbles and almost falls. "You always want to play the big brother huh. Well jokes on me your just a selfish dick." She yells. "I did this for you. To protect you, the ark comes down and when they do I'm dead" Octavia looks lost at this point. "What did you do?" She asks. "I shot him. I shot jaha. I found out they were sending you to earth I couldn't let you go alone. Some one came to me with a deal do this kill him and they get me on the drop ship. And I did it" you killed the chancellor?" Octavia asks. "He floated our mother, he locked you up. He deserved it" he tries to reason. "I didn't ask you to do that. I didn't ask for any of this." Octavia grabs my hand and pulls me away. Octavia and I are walking back to camp when we hear rustling in the bushes. We look around and see nothing but hear it again. "Come on run" O says grabbing my hand as we run through the woods. We come to a hill and Octavia trips sending us both tumbling down. I scream as I feel my shoulder pop out of its socket. My eyes slowly close as I pass out. I wake up slightly only to feel someone picking me up before I pass out again.

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