Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Tic tok. Tick tok.

"I'm not crazy, Marcus!"

"I never said you were."

"Then why do you want proof? I would never hurt my own family. You should know that."

"I'm taking precautions."

"Precautions? Huh? Precautious to see my own parents?!"

Tic Tok. Tic tok.

I focus on the clock on the wall, replaying this mornings agruement. I woke in bliss to bullshit. Instead of breakfast in bed I got handcuffed and escorted to the medical ward in the Estate.

Tic tok. Tic tok.

I'm not crazy. I'M NOT. I've just- ...

My finger twitches on the trigger of the gun I have hidden behind me. The cool sensation on the pads of my finger gives me a sense of calmness because it reminds me that I have control now. Not anyone else. I dictate what I can and cannot do. I make my own decisions. No one else will ever make them for me. Not Marcus, not Francesco, not Helena. No one. I'm their equal. So fuck them.

As I've said, realizing that doesn't make me crazy. I've just-

"...Accepted." I whisper to myself.

Tick tok. Tic tok. Stupid ass clock won't stop ticking!

"Mrs. Genovese!" The psychiatrist calls out my name with urgency. I narrow my eyes to the pretty blonde sitting in front of me. Just the color of her hair reminds me of Aribella. It sours my already bad mood for even being here. "I've been calling out to you for a while now."

"Really?" I deadpan. "Didn't hear you."

She puts her notepad down, with exasperation. "I'm trying to help you understand your current mental instability. That's what I'm being paid to do."

"Then let me make it easy for you. Do you think I'm crazy?"

"We haven't talked yet, I can't have a proper diagnosis if-"

I narrow my eyes at her. "So you do think I'm crazy?"

"I didn't say that."

My finger twitches on the trigger. The more I sit here. The more pissed off I am. "I said it for you. Which is enough." I grit my teeth in anger. I count to three in my head to clam down because I am in fact not crazy and I will prove it to myself right now. I clear my throat and swallow my annoyance as much as possible. "I'm going to give you a choice. You can either go tell Marcus there's nothing wrong with me so I can go see my family today, or... you can have your brain matter splatter across this floor. You have 5 seconds to choose."

"Y-you're threatening me?" She can't believe her ears.


"I'm not going to lie."


"Can you please let me-?"


"You're crazy."

"1..." Tick tok. Tick tok. "Time's u-Ouch!" My wrist is twisted in an uncomfortable angle. The gun is taken from behind me. Helena slowly moves in front of me with the gun dangling from her finger. Her leather attire shines under the floursecent light, blinding me a little. She releases the magazine from the gun and tugs it on the side of her pants before looking down at me.

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