Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

My heels click on the porcelain floor of the Geneovese Mansion. The guards follow closely behind me. Today is my first day back at work. Finally. I've been hauled up in my room, ignoring everyone who lives here. Helena's little stint at the other house a couple days ago was enough to put me on edge with myself. I guess to this point, I did see killing Kevin as a justified means to an end, but that doesn't make me any better than them. I'm still struggling to accept that.

I've tried to get a hold of my family to no avail. The only devices at my disposal is closely monitored by the guards, and they won't let me do much just yet for 'security reasons'. I air quote that very sarcastically.

I wonder if my dad is freaking out right now. Probably is. I ignore the sting in my heart. I miss him. I miss all of them. There's no use in living in the past though. I've made my choice to come to Italy and now I'm paying for it.

A butler opens the double doors for me. I slightly compose myself when I notice the Genovese brothers on the driveway. They're in a deep conversation that seems to piss off Helena. I can never understand how perfect she can look, even in such a simple bodycon black dress. Mutiple Black SUVs are lined up in order behind them with two sports car in front of the line side by side. Dozens upon dozens of guards are lined up off the side awaiting orders at a short distance. They all look ahead to nothing in unified motion. The guards that followed close behind me pass me and join them in line.

Marcus is the one to look up first, when he notices my presence. His dark eyes take me in. They linger a bit longer on my stomach. Even he notices the small bump I popped in my solitude. My dress is emphasizing it since my regular pants no long fit. I figured my blazer jacket will surely cover it when I'm at the office. I'll have to make do with what I got until I have a chance to go shopping.

"Good morning." He greets me huskily. I just nod in acknowledgement, not really wanting to have even a simple conversation with any of them. I'm still very uncomfortable and very new to everything they are. Can't be fake and pretend I'm happy with it.

Francesco gives me a disapproving look. He is about to say something when Helena interrupts him first. "I'll be with Chloe today." She announces. I frown at that.

"What?" I ask confused. "I'm going to work."

"No." Marcus shuts her down instinctively. "I don't trust you."

Helena coldly stares back him. "I'm best suited to keep her in line, it's better than staying here while you both have all the fun." She spits out the last word.

Francesco thinks about it for a moment. He ends up nodding in agreement. "I think that's a good idea." He turns to Marcus. "Helena needs to learn how to behave like a woman. Maybe Chloe can teach her how to be a good wife that follows orders." She gives him a death glare. The fire in her eyes only makes her husband smirk down at her. "Silence. A rare trait in you. I like it. Just few seconds and Chloe is already changing you for the better." I can tell she's biting her tongue from talking back, but her eyes don't waver. He cups her chin, forcing her closer, and places a soft kiss on her lips. "Be safe."

"We could've kept eachother safe, but you choose to replace me." She spits out coldly.

"You're irreplaceable, Helena. I'm just trying to-"

"Protect me as your wife when you promised me we would always be equals." She moves back from his grip, leaving his hand in the air. He balls it in a fist, his own anger peaking it's way through.

"Vuoi farmi arrabbiare adesso?" (You want to anger me right now?) She remains silent at his warning tone. "Di recente sono stato molto generoso con la tua mancanza di rispetto nei miei confronti, ma non lasciarti ingannare dal dimenticare dov'è il tuo posto." (I have been very generous with your disrespect towards me recently, but don't let it fool you in forgetting where your place is.)

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