Chapter 24

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*Warning triggering scene at the end of the chapter.* And please don't hate me 😔

Chapter 24

It's been two weeks and three days since I've seen him. He said he was coming back within a few days. All I got was a call that his trip got extended. I was escorted back home to my life as if nothing had happened. He calls me every morning and every night as way of letting me know he's okay. But I'm not okay anymore.

I'm so emotionally drained that I lack any sort of energy for anything. Everything tires me. I sleep close to twelve hours during the day and stay up late at night. My appetite is long gone. I have no motivation to do anything, but watch Netflix and lay down in bed in the dark. As much as I try to get myself out of it, I lose all my focus again. That's how much he affects me. I can't even be me without him anymore. It's scaring me.

"Looking great, Chloe." The photographer exclaims excitedly, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Tilt your head a little more up... There you go! Perfection." I continue posing in front of the white screen with my siblings on my side. "Okay, Fang, how about we- uh nevermind then." He says nervously when my brother gives him a deadly look. "And... we're done." He finally announces looking down at his camera.

"Finally." Gülizar complains as she steps off the white screen. "Coffee!" She orders. One of the assistants quickly hands it to her in a rush.

Isla walks over to where the computers are set up, probably going to pick which one she would prefer for the cover of the magazine. The rest of us just stand back as the crew slowly starts packing everything up. I've been so distracted that I didn't notice all of us had a matching black warobe going on.  This whole day of makeup, hair, and photoshoot was draining and dragged longer than I think was necessary, but at least it's over. 

Rafael drapes his arm around my shoulder. "What are your plans for tonight? Because I'm thinking a complimentary massage would be nice. Get my stress relieved, you know?" He smiles down innocently at me. I ignore his underlying sexual joke.

"We only came to this hotel for the photoshoot." I remind him. "Plus, we can't afford to stay here right now." I whisper enough for only him to hear.

"Didn't Isla tell you?" He moves in front of me.

"Tell me what?"

Gülizar taps her cup of coffee with Fang beside her. "CEO of Forbes, Mike Federle, is giving us a complimentary stay here. As a thank you for us finally accepting on doing the cover." She eyes Isla who's barking orders of which photos need to be deleted. "Even if it was under our terms."

Eric nods. "She also arranged for our assistants to clear out our schedules to have today off. That way we don't have an excuse not to stay."

"She did what?" Gülizar snaps. "Fang and I had a meeting with the whole legal department tonight."

"It's been rescheduled for tommorow morning." Fang glares at his phone. "I just got an email." He look up looking more pissed off than usual.

Isla appears next to us with her usual bright smile on her face. "The pictures turned out amazing. We actually look pretty good together. We should do it more- What's wrong?" She asks when she notices Gülizar and Fang glaring at her.

"The king and queen of darkness just found out about you cancelling our schedules for us to enjoy this beautiful hotel." Rafael jokes with exaggeration. "I'm not the one complaining though. Just so we're clear."

"Oh... that..." Her smile falters a little. "I thought it would be a good idea to take advantage of Forbes generosity. We've all been working nonstop for months now. We all need a break away from the company and just enjoy ourselves. I thought this would help us relieve some of the stress we've had everyday."

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