Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

I cross my legs by the edge of my bed with a my black camera in my hands. Even after taking a shower and getting comfortable in my over sized white sweater and matching pants, I couldn't seem relax with the heavy burden on my heart. It's weighting me down more than I care to admit. I skim through the digitalized photos I cherished so much. Memories of our time as a family. Candid photos of them I taken with so much love. One photo in particular is a family picture. All of us on Christmas morning around our 12 foot tree Isla just had to get. The lights shined so bright it illuminated in our eyes. Though the setting was over the top like the cover of a hallmark movie, it was the smiles and laughter that was different. We all enjoyed being with eachother on the holidays because it reminded that we are part of a family. Or in my case, were. Trats well up in my eyes.

The door opens. Marcus walks in with his black blazer in his hand. His black dress shirt is unbuttoned at the top, and the sleeves are rolled up revealing his extensive tattoos he's gotten during our separation. I can tell by the serious expression on his face that there's floating thoughts in his mind. There's also a sense of fairness coming from him.

He throws his blazer on the decorative chair and stares at me for a moment. "You weren't ready to come." He states with no suprise.

I put the camera down. "Did you figure that out before or after your talk with my mom just now?"

"Before." He admits. "I aware this was a bad choice from the start."

I frown at that. "So you took my side against Francesco even though you knew I was going to fuck up everything?" I wipe a few stray tears from my face. "Why would you even do that? Everything could've been avoided if you just said no. I would've been mad, but I would've gotten over it." My voice breaks at the end. He just stares at me silently. He nods slightly enough that I almost missed it before stepping close enough to tower over me. I crane my neck to look up at him. I feel more tears fall down my face at his show of empathy for me. Something I never seen him express before. He knows I'm hurting. Slowly, he lifts his rough hands towards me and with the pad of his thumb he gently wipes away the stray tears off my face.

"You wanted to see your family. I wasn't going take that away from you too." He says softly.

That sends me over the edge. I begin to sob loudly, breaking down in front of him. He immediately sit beside me to pull me into his arms in comfort. His warmth opens up the walls I've built for so long. I let out all my grief while holding on to him as if my life depended on it. "I shouldn't have come back. I should've sent a stupid postcard." I cry out in between breaths. He rubs my back soothingly. "All I wanted was to see my family and be together like we used to, but I don't fit in here anymore. It feels like I'm alone again. Like I don't have a family anymore and it hurts so bad, Marcus."

I feel a kiss on the top of my head. "You're not alone. You'll never be." I pull away to look up at him. Truly look at him.

He's making a promise I don't know whether to believe. I have this insecurity in my heart that he'd leave me again. I don't think I could bare it another time. I don't think I can sit quietly and let it happen again. Like a drug, he's my paradigm. Somehow a thought crosses my mind. There will be no one else for him. The only way I will part from him is death. His choice if I'm the one pulling the trigger or not. I would rather mourn him than lose him to someone else. This thought process doesn't bother me one bit. Not at all.

"I love you." I murmur out.

"I love you." He retorts without any hesitation.

I dark wave of lust over shadows me. I crash my lips to his. I kiss him with impatient need and control. He fights back for control as it is in his nature. He grips my hair roughly to keep me in my place, but I continue to fight by ripping his dress shirt open.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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