Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

I take my seat at the breakfast table. It feels like deja vu all over again. Helena sits opposite to Giulia with a taunting grin on her face. Giulia has her head down distracted as she plays with her own food. All the while, Francesco eats in peace ignoring both women on each of his side.

"Good morning." No one acknowledges my presence. I was hoping they would so I can casually ask where Marcus was. After coming back to The Manor last night, he led me to my bedroom and just left. No other words were exchanged between us.

I've been thinking about last night all night long. Yesterday was proof enough that I have to start to get over all of this. I know I'm not wrong though. It's hard to witness someone discard a life the way this family does, but I'm in this now. And morals don't count here. Seeing the empty seat on the other end of the table makes me wonder if he's now trying to avoid me. I have to talk to him. I have try for him, and he needs try to see my side. I'm not heartless. I feel. And I can't pretend like watching someone die in front of me is nothing.

Jenna pats my shoulder. I look up to her as she gives me a warm smile. She places a plate in front of me. "Thank you." I murmur. She nods slightly and leaves the dining room. I start to eat a piece of bacon.

"How's your arm?" Helena starts to taunt Giulia.

Giulia puts down her fork to scowl at Helena. "Still healing." She bites back.

"I hope it leaves a mark to remind you of me then." The false concerned tone is dramatic.

"Do you have anything nice to say ever?"

Helena pops a strawberry in her mouth. "To you? Never." She turns her head to me. "Chloe, I see you popped overnight." I look down at my prone stomach. It has popped. But the table covers it, so she saw me walk in and decided to ignore me. Great.

I decide not to let that rudeness get to me. "Yeah. Finally." I nod instead.

"I was thinking, maybe you and I can go shopping after breakfast. We need dresses for tommorow."

I eye Francesco who's sitting back, watching me silently. He's intimidating when he looks like that. How long has he even been looking at me like that? "What's tommorow?" I turn my attention to her instead.

"We're going to crash a very special wedding."

I frown. "Why?"

Francesco jaw clenches in a similar way Marcus does. "Because Raul tried to have you killed. And no one attempts a hit on my family without paying the price."

"It's going to be a bloodbath." Helena sings. "Try picking something red or black. I'm going for white. I like to display my masterpeices."

"Does Marcus know?" I ask Francesco more than her.

"He's the one that arranged it." She answers me instead. "We wanted it done last night, but Marcus has a thing for graphic public executions to really sent ou the message. I have to say, it's nice to see him be sadistic again. I thought he was losing his touch."

I look down at my plate. I push it away disgusted by the imagery that she gives me of Marcus. It's messed up that I can actually see him in that light. "I don't want to go to that. You can go without me."

"You say that as if I am giving you a choice." I look towards Francesco. His menacing tone doesn't go unnoticed. "This will be our message to all the families. They will stand in line or we will have their blood. You will go, you will look pretty, and when the time comes you will watch their unfailing fate. If you turn away and show weakness in front of our rivals, you will deal with me. Do you understand?"

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