Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I didn't bother to take off my sunglasses as I walked into the Aurora Grand Hotel. The red leather pants I'm wearing is too tight for comfort, and the flared top jacket is unbreathable. I would've just came in sweats, but as predicted, the cameras were crazily snapping their pictures of me as soon as I stepped out the car. My team followed closely behind me. Marcus on the other hand followed closely beside me. After days of not speaking to him, I learned to just ignore his unbearable existence. It's for the best.

"Ms. Aslan, welcome to Aurora." A man, who seems to be the manager, greets me. His staff lines up beside him like it was practiced to perfection. Their suits crisp and ironed to the tee. "We are honoured you have trusted us with your stay here at Aurora."

"Thank you-" I eyed his name tag. "Jared. I appreciate that. May you please show us to our rooms. We have a long day ahead of us. We need to prepare."

"Of course, right this way." He led us to the evelator. Somehow we all fit in. "Per request we have cleared the whole top floor for your accommodation. The mini bar is heavily stocked with the items on your list." I nod my thanks and walk out as soon as the evelator doors open. The manager continued to try to keep my attention. I'm just not in the mood to have a conversation right now so I nod constantly out of politeness until he came a little too close. "Also-"

Marcus extends his hand to stop Jared from coming any closer to me. "Stay back now." His voice lowered too many octaves.

Jared steps back, completely intimidated by the brute protecting me. I guess I would be too. Marcus has this aura of being dangerous. Just his appearance is intimidating enough. "Right. Sorry. I meant to say that breakfast will be delivered shortly. If there is anything else you may need, please don't hesitate to ask."

I took off my sunglasses and watch Jared. Just to make sure he was done talking before I smiled my fake smile. "Thank you so much for everything. You have done an amazing job. Just please make sure that by the time we leave, the paparazzi outside is controlled. That's all I ask for." I hold back from flinching at my own voice. It sounds so fake, but of course no one can truly tell.

His face lights up at the compliment. "That will be no problem. We'll have it handled." Jared took out the card key to my suite and opened the door.

Marcus quickly took it out of his hands in an aggressive manner. "Stay here, Chloe." He ordered. He's on alert. I was confident to stay in a hotel with him protecting me. That's probably why I'm not in a heap of a mess right now. I know he takes his job seriously regardless of our differences.

I notice Eva take the rest of the key cards from Jared and hand them out to the rest of my team. A team that included my glam squad, some of Tina's publicity team, and of course my stylists.

"Clear." My bodyguard informs me. I didn't waste any time to go in as everyone disappeared to prepare for the major event. The bell boy followed me, he unloaded all my luggage, then left just as quickly.

The two bed room suite is the definition of rich. It's decorated in a chic design that is viewed as comfortable and modern. The floor to ceiling windows have a nice water view, but it's unfortunately a view I won't be able to enjoy. I notice the drone wondering about just outside. The media always has to have to a story to tell. I close the curtains with the automated buttons on the side. I guess when you pay over one hundred grand a night, it was bound to have it's perks like a complete blackout when neeeded.

I take a snack out of the snack station and eat it. I notice I have about twenty mintues before all the craziness begins. So I laid down on the sofa and close my eyes. I'm so tired. I feel like I haven't had a break all week.

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