Chapter 1

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"Ma'am... Ma'am...."

"Huh?" I turned my head to see the flight attendant holding my drink I had ordered only minutes ago.

"Here is your Dr. Pepper"

"Oh, thank you," I smiled at her and took the drink. I was on my way to England from California to start new life. War was breaking out all over and I thought what better time to change. The thing that really put me into getting away was my boyfriend Sam. I had refused to have any children till I was older and he wanted them so he left me. 21 is a young age for me, I didn't want to stop my life yet, and with war breaking out all across the world, I didn't want a child brought up in violence. Although I'm sure there was something more, something he wouldn't tell me.

They called the war the end of the world, it was world war 5 and it seemed to be much worse than any other before. China had started it by attacking America and everything just fell in after that. It had been going on for 8 years now. I only decided on Britain because as a little girl I had always wanted to go. To see the castles and the beauty I had only read in poems. It's a place my mother always wanted to see. She past away when I was 18 though, so she never got the chance. She died of a new virus that had only sprang up a few years before the war. It was more common in men than women but she was one of the unlucky ones. She was so young only 34. I didn't want to make the same mistakes as her. I was going to live my life to the fullest before I bit the dust.

I knew it was risky going to England, after all their biggest enemy right now was America. This plane was supposed to stop in Russia, just on the other side of England, then we would get Russian passports and have a free ride back to England safely. That was the plan anyway

I looked out the window, the clouds were so beautiful. And above the plane you could see the stars shining brightly. It calmed my heavy heart, and my crazed mind. I sat back in my seat and looked up at the ceiling. I didn't know what I would do when I reached Britain. I guess I just thought I would rent a hotel room and stay there for a while until I could figure everything out. I let out a long sigh and closed my eyes, sleep slowly came over me.

I woke up to a loud beeping sound, almost like an alarm. Screams soon came into the picture. I open my eyes, people were running around the plane trying to get to the escape pods. Out of my surprise I got up and started walking around to investigate. I stopped one of the flight attendants. "Whats going on?"

"Ma'am you have to get into an escape pod, right now!"

"But why?"

"There is a fighter plane that has just locked missiles on us!" My eyes grew wide. Suddenly there was an explosion followed by more screams at the back of the plane. Wind started sucking everything out of the plane from the direction the tail was. I turned to look to see the damage, the back of the plane was engulfed in flames. "Ma'am you have to go now!" I nodded and headed for an escape pod. As soon as I step foot into the small escape pod the doors closed. I quickly sat down, and the buckles crossed over my chest making it nearly impossible to move. There were two buttons above me. One was a call button, made so when you landed you could call the authorities for help, the other was a release button so you could detach from the plane. The lights in the pod started to blink red. I reached up and hit the release button. There was a quick jolt and the pod started to spin. There was the voice of a woman that kept repeating "Remain calm." I gripped the arms of the chair tightly and started to scream.

I opened my eyes, still unsure if this was reality or just a dream. I felt dizzy, the escape pod had stopped moving, my vision was blurred. My head was in an immense amount of pain and my body felt so cold. I reached my hand to the side of my forehead, it was wet. I pulled my hand back to look at it it was covered in blood. I was trembling, the red light was still flashing and I could still hear the woman saying "Remain calm, remain calm, remain calm." My vision faded into darkness.

I opened my eyes again the escape pod door open and there were men trying to help me out. My vision was still blurry, I couldn't move, my whole body was screaming in agony. I could hear a man's muffled voice yelling, "Get her out of there she is still alive."

One of the men entered the pod and unbuckled me, I could hear his voice getting further and further away. "You're going to be okay... Stay with me..." My vision faded into darkness again.

When I finally came to I gasped loudly. I looked around it was dark around the room, but there was a single bright light shining down on me. There was a table not too far in front of me. I tried to move, but my arms and legs had been braced to the chair I was sitting in. My breath seemed to echo off the walls. I struggled trying release myself from the chair.

"There is no point in struggling." A man with a deep growly voice said. I looked to where the voice was coming from, there was a figure standing in the shadows of the room.

"Where am I?" My voice trembled and cracked as I spoke.

"That's classified."

"Where is everyone else... The people one the plane! Where are they!"

"Most of them died. You and three others survived." all those people, dead, in terror. And what for? What did any of those innocent people do? "What is your name?" He spoke again, tearing me away from my thoughts.

"Cecily Servono." My whole body was trembling, and it still hurt. I felt scared, so scared.



"Where are you from?" There was a long pause I didn't know if I should tell him the true, but if I lie it might only get me into more trouble.

"California, America..." A tear ran down my cheek, there would have been more but I was too afraid to cry.

"Why are you here?"

"I don't know where here is."

He paused for a moment, "London, England."

"I was heading to Russia..."

"Don't lie to me!" His voice echoed from his roar. "I know once that plane landed in Russia you were going to come to England!"

"Okay, I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry," I said, tears now streaming rapidly down my face.

"What were you planning on doing here."

"I just wanted to visit, I swear!"

"I'll take her!" A voice said from the other side of the room. His voice was much softer and sweet to the ears, like he could talk his way out of anything.

"What?" I said confused.

"Are you sure?" The growly voice said.

"Yes of course I'm sure you know me." I could hear the smile in the young man's voice.

"Alright." The man with the growly voice came up to me. He was an elderly man, heavy set wearing a nice brown suit. "Ms. Cecily Servono, you have been, by the law of England, sold into slavery by Mr. Spencer dowlen."

"Wait what?! Slavery?!" The man pulled a patch out of his pocket with a clear lining over the adhesive. "What is that?! What are you talking about?! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" I scream, struggling to break free. "Please don't, please please!"

"Calm down and you will make this a lot easier on yourself and others." He said grabbing my arm. There was the sound of a door opening and closing. Then the man peeled off the tab the kept the adhesive from the air and stuck it to my arm. Slowly the room became blacker than black and my eyelids felt heavy. Then there was nothing once again.

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