Chapter 8

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Suddenly I was in a small town that was flat all around, for miles and miles there was farm land. There was a young boy running on a dirt road, he looked to be no older than 13. I was confused. "Hey little boy where am I?" He kept running along a smile on his face, like he didn't even see me. The boy had black hair that was tousled and dirty, his clothes were very nice, although they too were also covered in dirt. Off in the distance I could see a big city. Then the scenery changed, I was in a big house, I could hear talking in another room. I turned to see the young boy speaking to an elderly man.

"Come on Spencer, get your things were leaving." The man said with a growly british accent.

"Spencer?" I whispered. The family didn't seem to hear a thing I said.

"But why do we have to go farther?"

"Because I'm sick of living with these filthy Americans scum. If we move to Britain now you'll finally get friends and stop being picked on." The boy looked to the ground and thought for a moment, then slowly he went upstairs to get his bags. When the boy returned he held a heavy suitcase that was backed tight. The boy looked in my direction... His eyes were red... A deep red. I gasped. Where am I? Whats going on? Am I... In the past, But they can't see me. A woman walked in from the door behind me, she moved right through me. "Mother!" The boy yelled running to her with open arms.

"Are we ready to leave?" The woman said looking at the man and holding the child, the man nodded.

The scenery changed again, I was in a school. There was the boy again but he looked older about 16, he was dressed in all black. He was alone, he looked around in the halls and just stood there. His eyes were so sad, he had tried talking to the other students but they rejected him, pretended he wasn't there. I walked up to the boy who was looking at the ground with sad eyes. I looked at him for a while just standing there in front of him. He looked so lost. The boy had almost filled out to look like the Spencer I knew.

"Hey Spencer!" He looked up at the group of guys that had yelled his name. "How is that mark of yours doing!" The boys laughed amongst each other. Spencer looked at his forearm that held a mysterious black tattoo in the shape of a ridged heart.

I remember reading about that black tattoo. a few decades back scientists had started experimenting with the human body to find the soul. Once they had founded that genode line was rattled and dysfunctional, making the soul appear visible on the skin. With the discovery of the soul came the development of magic which was another side affect of soul tampering. It was very uncommon for any of these side effects but occasionally a child would be born with that repercussion. and through a series of unfortunate events, they always seemed to be followed by a blood bath.

"Shut up!" Spencer yelled.

The oh's echoed through the hall. "Freek, you're a cures, a boy with his soul on the outside. You know what they say about that." The boy grinned and evil smile.

"Death will follow," a girl by the boys side said, laughing hysterically after.

"How long are you planning to pick on me about it?" Spencer said looking to the ground clenching his fists. He wasn't the same as the Spencer I knew, his emotions were scrambled and he never seemed to smile. I felt so sorry for him, but I knew there was nothing I could do. Suddenly a pain shot through my heart. I could feel everything Spencer had felt at this moment, it was almost unbearable. I fell to my knees and started to cry uncontrollably.

"W-Why does it hurt so bad?!" I yelled out.

The scene changed again, I was outside. I stood up on my feet and looked around. There was a castle in front of me that looked much different from the one I had been living in. There were slaves outside the house. I saw Spencer he had filled out and now looked like the Spencer I knew, only his hair was much shorter. He was talking to a woman beside the castle, smiling and laughing with her. I couldn't see the pain in his eyes that I had seen in him before. A man walked up beside the woman and kissed her on the cheek, Spencers smiled faded. The woman smiled up at him. Spencer's dad started towards them.

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