Chapter 3

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"STOP!" Someone yelled. The man turned off the heated blade and turned around to look at who had spoken. I slowly opened my eyes. Standing in the doorway was Spencer, "Stop!" He was breathing heavily, gasping for breath. He must have ran all the way here. "Don't- Kill her... She's my- Slave..." He had his hand on the frame of the door, holding him up from collapsing as he tried to catch his breath.

"Do you have your papers?" The killer said in a raspy voice. Just the sound of it sent a chill through my body.

"Do I need them? My name is Spencer Dowlen." He stood straight up and looked at the man with a cold serious gaze.

"I need identification," the man said in disbelief. Spencer pulled out his wallet and showed the man. His eyes grew wide, "Oh, I'm so sorry sir!"

"You bet you are, no one scares my slaves but me!" Spencer sounded so angry. "You come with me now!" I stood up slowly and walked over to Spencer not taking my eyes off the man. Spencer grabbed my arm and jerked me hard to follow him. I looked over at him and walked closely behind. I looked in the rooms as we walked, there were dismantled bodies in each room, mangled and shredded, blood splattered across the floor and the walls. It was a gruesome sight, to think that's what happened to marry, and what was about to happen to me. "Keep your eyes forward don't look in the rooms," Spencer said looking at me from the corner of his eye. I nodded and looked straight ahead. He looked cold and ruthless, like he could kill someone without a second thought or hesitation. This face scared me, and I started to lose what little trust I had in him. When we got to the front desk, there were guards all around, the room looked spotless and was a blinding white.

"Hello Mr. Dowlen," the man behind the desk said with a big political smile. He turned to look at me then back to Spencer. "What room did she come from?"

"32," I stared at him as he waited for the man at the desk to speak again. He glanced over at me from the corner of his eye, I quickly averted my gaze to the floor.

The man shuffled some papers around on the desk then looked back up. "Okay it looks good, you may proseed." He nodded at the guard and they opened the doors. Spencer roughly grabbed my arm and jerked me again. He was acting so different from yesterday, was yesterday just a lie? He brought me to his car and opened the passenger door for me. Once I was in the buckles locked over my chest and he closed the door. He got in on the driver's side and started the car.

"Sorry about that," he said with a warm smile. "You have to act tough with your slaves around some people or they may send the government to spy on you... You didn't get hurt at all did you?" I started to cry uncontrollably remembering the terror I was just put in. I covered my mouth with my hands. Spencer's smile turned into a look of concern, he pulled over to the side of the road and got out of the car. The next thing I knew my door swung open. I stopped crying and looked up at him. He bent down and hugged me, he rubbed my back and I started to cry again. "I'm so sorry... I forgot it was the slater day." He sat there for a while just letting me cry. Eventually my crying stopped and my shaking body calmed, I felt tired as my breathing started to become more normal. "Better?" I nodded and he closed the door. He started the car again and continued driving.

"I-I'm sorry..." I said after a while.

"It's fine you have been through alot the past few days."

I looked down at my hands. "Why are you so kind to me?"

He looked over at me with a cold stare, then let out a long sigh. "I told you I don't know... I guess you just interest me." He smiled at me again, his emotions change so quickly.

"What do you mean?" I didn't mean to say that, it just slipped out. My thoughts always seem to just spill out when I talk to him.

"Well... I'm not exactly sure... You just do physically, mentally, your interesting. I turned back to look at my hands that were place in my lap. "We're almost there." I nodded. I turned to look out the window. There were tall buildings floating up high in the sky and smaller buildings on the ground. It was very silent in the car neither of us said a word for a very long time. "So you're from California?"


"What was it like there?" I stopped to think about it, what was it like there? I had never thought about it.

"It was beautiful... I lived by the ocean in a small town, I loved it as a girl."

"Then why would you come here?" There was another pause.

"Because that place reeked of pain and misery..." He gave me a look of confusion. "My mother died when I was 18... Then my boyfriend left me, I had no one left there everyone had died or moved away... So I left too. My mom would talk about my dad, how he loved England and she wanted to go there so much."

"I see," he looked out the window. "Might I ask why did he leave you? If it's not too personal."

I thought for a moment, I mine-as-well tell him, after all he was someone I was probably going to be a slave too for the rest of my life. "I didn't want children yet... But I think it was deeper than that, I think over the years and over the war we grew apart... So one day he packed his things and left." I looked over at Spencer. His eyes grew cold again.

"Then he didn't deserve you..."


"He didn't deserve a person like you, if a man is unwilling to coincide and compromise with his women's decisions then he is hardly a man at all, and he is certainly not good enough for a woman." I smiled faintly, that was the first time someone had said something like that to me since it happened. Everyone always said it was my fault, that I didn't try hard enough to keep him, and that I should have just given in and gave him children. I had never even slept with Sam, I don't know why, but I never had the passion to. Don't get me wrong he was a very attractive man, it's just the moment never felt right.

"Thank you..."

"There's no need to thank me, just giving my opinion."

"So why did you come here?"I said in an attempt to change the subject.

"My father was British and when he saw the war starting in America he decided he wanted to come home, I was reluctant at first but I soon got used to the idea, my mother of course was happy to leave she hated it there."

"Where are you from?"

"Indiana, it was nice there but it was flat, we lived in the city so I went to a big school." He smiled talking about it, this made me smile. It surprised me that someone could be so happy talking about where they were from. "I started helping people in their slave situation as soon as I was able to which was at the age of 21. Unlike my family I was opposed to slavery, I hated it, I hated seeing people suffer like that. Although I could never say this to my family, they are all about slavery, they think it's a way of punishing people for their sins." He looked over at me, "But I don't know how someone so innocent could have sinned enough for that kind of torture." He gave me a faint smile and looked back at the road.

"How do you know I'm so innocent?" There was a pause.

"The way you act, you have a clean look in your eyes. It's not hard to tell" I nodded.

I was still unsure about Spencer, he seemed kind and like he was trustable man but he had some sort of dark side that made me unsure what to believe about him. I guess he was just a person I would have to pay special close attention to. 

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