So In Love With You

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(Song- There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back - Shawn Mendes)


(June 21st 2016)

Alex helped Elise eat her dinner, smiling at her and making cute faces back at her, all while ignoring everyone else eating around him. He just wasn't hungry. He felt a little nauseous, to be completely honest. He felt clammy too, and a little congested. Great.
He wanted to talk though, so he looked at his parents.
"Mom, dad, can I tell you guys something?" He asked with a knot in his stomach from both the nausea and the nerves.
"Of course love, what is it?" Isobel asked curiously.
Jack looked at Alex. 
Alex looked back at Jack, then his parents.
"I uh. I asked Jack to marry me." He said quietly.
Isobel smiled, "You did?!" She was excited now.
Peter smiled at Alex, "I knew you would." He smirked.
Alex rolled his eyes, "So are you guys okay with that?" He bit his lip.
Isobel nodded, "Yeah. We're definitely not angry about it. Like your dad said, we knew that you would. It was only a matter of time, honestly. Just tell us when you guys are planning and we're ready to help." 
"I'm out of that bit of the conversation. Your mother can handle wedding planning." Peter chuckled a little.
Jack smiled, "We probably won't for a couple of years, but I also asked Alex if he wanted to get a place with me...We both have enough money to. He said he wants to, and I found a nice apartment that's only fifteen minutes away. He seems to like it...I asked if we could go look at it." He looked at Alex who once again looked nervous and a bit sick to his stomach.
Isobel looked at Peter, then thought about it for a minute.
"Now?" Peter asked.
Alex nodded, "Yeah...If they approve it with our income...I mean it's only fifteen minutes away, I'll still do everything that I'm doing now, but do it there...And I'm still on your insurance, I don't have to live with you to stay on it, right?" He asked his mom.
Isobel nodded, "Yeah, we pay insurance through our own policy, not through our jobs or anything like that. So yeah, we'd still pay for your insurance coverage, as well as Elise's." 
"So then is that okay? I mean I know that I don't have to legally ask anymore, but I do want your approval." Alex sighed.

Isobel and Peter looked at each other again.
"Issy, I don't think it's an awful idea...He has been doing really well, and we both know how much we can trust Jack, and Rian and Zack will always be around. I know we haven't seen much of them the past few weeks, but I hear them all yelling at each other playing video games upstairs, so they're definitely around." Peter shrugged.
Isobel nodded, "So you're okay with it?" She asked.
Alex and Jack just watched, anticipating an answer.
"I am, I'd want to go see the place with them, but I'm okay with it." He smiled at Alex and Jack.
Isobel looked at the two boys again, "If your father is okay with it, then I am too. Jack does your mom know any of this?" 
Jack shook his head, "Today wasn't the day to tell her. I do want to tell her tomorrow though. My brother is there at her house too, and my sister, but I'm not really in the mood to begin to care about her opinion on much." He took another bite of his food.
Isobel smirked a little, "Okay, well tell her. We'd talked about splitting the cost of a down payment for you guys whenever you were ready to do this." 
Jack nodded, "Okay cool, thank you." He smiled.

Alex gagged a little, his stomach churning and it wasn't because he was nervous anymore, that feeling left already. "Oh god." He smacked his hands over his mouth. 
He got up and booked it to the bathroom, spewing his guts into his hands before making it to the toilet.
Jack got up and followed him in, sitting down next to him and rubbing his back, "Hey...Get it all up." He said comfortingly, grabbing the same rag he did before, getting it wet again with cold water.
He wrung it out and held it against Alex's neck as the brown haired boy started retching again before finally bringing up more. The cycle continued until he finally stopped throwing up and all that came out was bile and spit.
He groaned and sat back.
Jack dabbed his red face and neck with the rag.
"You feel okay?" He asked.
Alex shook his head, "I feel like shit." He muttered.
"How long have you felt sick?"
Alex shrugged, "I had a headache this morning...I'm a little stuffed up but I thought it was just allergies..." He sighed.
Jack nodded, got up and grabbed the first aid kit that had the forehead thermometer.
Alex laid his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. 
"103.2." Jack read out loud and put the thermometer back.
"Great." Alex mumbled.
"Come on, get up to your room." Jack helped pull him up. He flushed the toilet, then grabbed toilet paper to wipe the puke off Alex's face.
Alex washed his hands to get the vomit off and went upstairs to his bathroom to brush his teeth. The smell and taste of the toothpaste made him want to throw up again, but there was nothing left for him to throw up.

Jack grabbed some pajamas out of the closet and laid them on the bed.
Alex went into his room and stripped, feeling a little dizzy. He stumbled putting the pajama pants on, but got the shirt on fine. 
"Lay down, I'll bring you some water and some tylenol." Jack went back downstairs and looked at Isobel and Peter, "He's in bed. He's got a 103 fever." He frowned a little, then got Alex a glass of water and some tylenol out of the cupboard in the kitchen that held various medications and teas.
Isobel nodded, "He said he was feeling tired and wanted to go to bed early. He was saying it was because of his panic attack, but I guess if he's sick then that makes sense too." She said sadly.
Elise looked at Jack, "dada, addy" She wanted to know where daddy went.
Jack smiled at her and knelt down next to her so he was eye level with her, "Daddy has sickies, so I'm gonna go help him feel better okay? I'll come back and help papa or grammy put you to bed when you're done with your dinner." He wanted to kiss her cheek, but he wasn't about to risk passing it onto her. He wasn't going to hold her while they put her to bed either.
He went back upstairs, smiling a little at Alex who was just curled up in a little ball, eyes open and looking at Jack.
"Guess I'm not going to your moms tomorrow." He mumbled.
Jack smiled, "That's alright. We'll just facetime her and tell her. We can celebrate that with them later." He handed Alex the tylenol when he sat up a bit.
Alex popped the pills and swallowed them down.
"I hate everything." Alex complained. He was a bit of a big baby when he got sick, and Jack hadn't really seen him sick before.
"You'll be fine, just keep the fever down and relax. That's all you gotta do." 
"What if you get sick?" Alex asked, pulling the blankets up over his chin, leaving just his nose and eyes exposde.
Jack shrugged, "Then I get sick. No big deal." He was not much of a big baby.
Alex sighed, "I'm tired." He mumbled.
"Then go to sleep." Jack sat down next to him and rubbed his back.
"Snuggle me." 
Jack laughed a little and curled up behind him, being the big spoon.
"Okay, only until you fall asleep, then I'm gonna read Elise a story while your mom or dad puts her to bed. I'd hold her myself but I don't want to get her sick, since I've been around you when you were starting to get sick." He nestled his face against Alex's hot neck, "God you are really burning up." 
Alex sniffled, "Sorry." 
Jack rolled his eyes, "Stop saying sorry for everything."
Alex groaned, "Just let me. I am sorry. Now I'm gonna get you sick too." He complained.
Jack smiled a little and pressed a kiss to Alex's neck, "Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe I'm the one who gave it to you, I was just asymptomatic. Now go to sleep. Close your eyes and hush your pie hole." 
Alex sighed and did as he was told.
After about five minutes, he was out. 

Jack got up, turned the light off and plugged Alex's phone in for him before joining Peter in the baby's room. He was putting Elise to bed tonight. 
Jack grabbed a book and read it to her while Peter rocked her to sleep. 
Elise smiled at them both as her eyes got heavier before finally closing. She was a quiet one at bedtime. She didn't often kick up a fit or throw any tantrums. She was really mellow in that way, which was great for everyone else because having an overtired screaming baby is never a good time.
After the story, Jack blew her a kiss and went back to their room.
He changed into some pajamas even though it was only just nearing 8 PM and got into bed next to Alex, sitting up against the headboard. He grabbed his laptop and set it down next to him, put his headphones on and started watching Back To The Future. 
Alex rolled over, draping his arm over Jack's legs, his head on his thigh.
Jack smiled and ran his fingers through his sick boy's feverish head. 

The night carried on just like that, apart from the fact that Jack did eventually lay down and Alex moved his head onto his chest at that point.

(June 22nd 2016)

"Jaaccckkk" Alex whined, waking Jack up, his voice nasally and congested sounding. He'd been up for a while, since his alarm went off for him to take his meds. He'd just been sitting there bored on his phone and feeling like all hell.
Jack sighed and rubbed his eyes, propping himself up on his elbow, "What Lex?"
Alex groaned, "I feel like shit." He complained.
Jack chuckled a little, "So you woke me up to tell me that?"
Alex nodded, "I'm lonely." His m's sounding like B's because he was so congested.
Jack raised an eyebrow, "I have never seen you sick before like this, and it's very interesting. Hold on. I wanna check your temp first and I want you to try to eat something."
He got up and went to the downstairs bathroom to get the thermometer, while he was at it, he made Alex a bowl of brown sugar and cinnamon oatmeal and a mug of this tea labeled 'tummy tea' meant for soothing a nauseous stomach. 

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