I'm Just One Of Those Ghosts

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(Song- Misguided Ghosts- Paramore)

(TW: Panic attack)

(June 21st 2016)

Alex sat in the huge tub with Jack in between his legs, tracing lines on Jack's chest with his finger.
"I don't want this to end." Alex sighed.
They'd done everything on this trip, they'd been to their little spot on the beach about a million times, ridden the rides again, except for the roller coaster, went out to a couple of nice and fancy dinners because Alex wanted to spoil Jack some more.
Now they were all packed to go home apart from the clothes they were going to put on after this bath.
Jack smiled, looking up at him.
"I know babe, but I mean...This has been the best birthday of my entire life. I mean, for starters you did this all yourself, you set everything up and managed to keep it hidden from me, then you took me to do everything I wanted to do...And most importantly, you asked me to marry you, Alex. I mean...You want me to marry you. We're technically engaged." He smirked.
Alex laughed, "We can stop saying technically. We're engaged as far as I'm concerned if that's okay with you, sir." 
Jack laughed right along with him, "That's perfectly fine with me. Where's my ring?" He raised an eyebrow.
Alex rolled his eyes, "At the jewelry shop. Do you want one? I was kinda waiting til I could propose to you properly." He blushed a little. He sort of asked Jack on a whim that night on his birthday. He wasn't planning on that, thus he didn't have a ring or anything else.
Jack sat up, turned to face Alex and pressed a kiss to his lips.
"I don't want a ring. The only ring I want is the one that I'll get when we're standing at that altar or wherever we get married, and I'm saying the words 'I do'" 
Alex smiled, "Really?" 
Jack nodded, "Yup. I mean you can always get one, but if you do, I want you to have one too. I'm not the only one engaged here." 
Alex tilted his head to think about it, "Could we really do that?"
Jack sighed, "I don't see why not. We've done everything else in this relationship all sorts of weird and unconventional. Why stop now? Keep the weird train going." He shrugged.
Alex rolled his eyes, "Deal. We both get them then. Because I want you to have one to show that you're engaged to this shitshow of a person and you're actually happy about it." He smirked.
Jack splashed him with the bathwater, "Hush." He leaned in and kissed Alex again.

They closed the door to their hotel room as they left, Alex feeling pretty sad about it.
He was excited to go home to see his baby, but my god. If he could just have one more night of pure bliss, pure love making, pure romance and passion, all by themselves...He'd give a lot for that.

The drive home was spent with Alex singing while Jack watched, completely enchanted by that beautiful man that one day, he'd get to call his husband.
"You know that one day, we're gonna wake up in a bed in our own house, and we're going to kiss each other good morning, get our daughter ready for school, smiling as we drop her off...Then we're gonna go home and we're gonna spend time together until I go to work, and you let out your creativity, you write and you sing, and you play all of the instruments you've ever wanted that will all be in said house just for you, and then I'll come home, and you and Elise will be there, giving me hugs and kisses when I come through the door...We'll spend so many family nights together, watching movies, playing games, we'll drink hot cocoa and go to bed happy...I mean, you know that's gonna happen in our future right?" Jack was being sentimental.
Alex turned his head for a second to look at him before turning his head back to the road, "I do know that." He smiled, "I can't wait for it to happen either. Our daughter is going to be the happiest kid, Jack. I swear to god she is. We're gonna be the happiest married couple..." He sighed, "We're going to make it forever." 
Jack smiled right back at him and put his hand on Alex's leg. He'd take his hand, but Alex needed both hands to steer the car. 
"I wanted to ask you something Alex..." Jack said nervously.
Alex glanced at him again, "What babe?"
"Well, I was thinking...You've got your money for you and Elise, and as soon as you have a place of your own to live where you'd need to pay rent and utilities, they're going to be giving you more money for that...I get to start working 8 hour shifts next week, and I've been doing the math and looking at places, and you know my mom wants to move to New York...Plus our parents agreed to help us with a down payment....So uh. I was wondering if you'd want to move in together to a place of our own?" Jack looked at him nervously.
Alex pulled off the freeway. Jack got nervous then. Was that a no?
The car stopped in a parking lot near a Target.
"You wanna move in together? Like officially?" Alex asked, eyes wide.
Jack nodded, "If uh...If you want to." He said nervously, missing the obvious excitement in Alex's eyes.
"Jack! No shit I want to! Holy shit! You've been looking at places?" He smiled.
Jack smiled back, feeling the flood of relief flowing through him. He nodded.
"Yeah...A few places...One that I thought you'd like is only like fifteen minutes from your parent's house, I was going to ask if you wanted to go see it..." 
Alex grinned, "Can we set that up? How much is the rent?"
Jack pulled his phone out and showed him the apartment.
"It's in downtown Baltimore, it's near Inner Harbor. It's got a garage, and the place has like a gym and shit in the place, but I cared more about the actual place itself. Here. I'll pull up the picture of the one that we could move into." He pulled up a picture of the inside.

Teenage Nightmare (Jalex)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora