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 Dedicated to cizzyxo <3)

(Song- Stay The Night ft Hayley Williams - Zedd) 

(No trigger warning here, just a fun time :) )

Zack came back with their snacks and smiled a little at Alex, who was just curled up awkwardly against Jack's side, eyes closed and looking like he was in nothing but pure calm.
Calm was a look he wanted to see Alex in more. Alex was always so filled with chaos that he'd gotten used to it. Calm hadn't been an option for him in a long, long time. The ability to stay calm would be a long road, but for right now, this was enough. This was more than enough. It was progress.
"He sleeping?" Zack mouthed.
Jack looked down at Alex, it wouldn't surprise him at all. Alex fell asleep on him most of the time. It was rare if Alex could snuggle without crashing. Then again, he never slept well at night. Even in dreamless sleep, it wasn't good. He wasn't expecting it to get any better now that he'd be most likely uncomfortable all night long.
"Lex" He said quietly. Alex didn't move. 
"He's asleep." Jack smiled a big smile. He loved that he could do that for Alex. 
Zack put Alex's cheesecake and soda on his bedside table, then did the same with Jack's. He sat on the end of the bed, turning to face Jack.
"Do we wake him up?" He asked, looking at Alex again. He always looked like a kid when he was asleep. He thought it was because Alex always had such an intense, constantly panicked, chaotic energy around him. When he was sleeping though, he looked like all of that just disappeared and he was innocent, undamaged and unbroken. It reminded him of a hopeful child.
Jack shook his head, "I don't think so. Not yet at least." He glanced over at the clock. It was 9 now, so he'd have to wake Alex up eventually so he wouldn't stay up all night, but god he couldn't bother right now. Alex had so much taken out of him recently, and it wasn't going to get easier when they had to walk the stage, or Alex would more like be pushed across the graduation stage, doing his exams before he could do that. Top that with therapy and being essentially unable to move for himself.
Zack got his phone out and just scrolled Facebook for a while, browsing everything and watching stupid videos. Jack did the same thing. They did that for a half hour until Jack gave in and nudged Alex.
"Lexy, wake up love." He said quietly.
Alex grumbled.
Jack smirked, "Wake up babe."
Alex hid his face.
Jack rolled his eyes, then looked at Zack who was watching curiously, "Watch this."
He reached down and ran his hand down Alex's stomach and into the front his pants, palming him a little.
Alex woke up real quick. He sat up and looked at Jack wide eyed, "Oh you fucker." He whined.
Jack laughed, while Zack just cracked up because hell, that would work on any man.
"Sorry" Jack shrugged, then leaned over and handed Alex his little box with the cheesecake and the plastic fork Zack brought.
Alex glared, but put the box on his lap and started eating the delicious dessert he'd been craving, "Thanks Zacky." He smiled.
Zack laughed, "You're welcome sleepy." He got his own dessert out. It was chocolate cake. He usually didn't eat a bunch of sweets, but he was a sucker for chocolate cake. Especially with the thick, diabetes inducing fudge topping.

Alex picked his favorite movie, The Fifth Element, and he Jack and Zack had a fun little sleepover.

(June 22nd)

School had let out, Jack and Rian had finished their exams and now summer was begun.
Except for Alex.
He was sitting in the classroom in his stupid wheelchair with his teacher as he went over material and took his exams, thankful that he knew the majority of this.
He wasn't bad at school, not even with how much he'd missed. He caught up quite easily. 
His exams were a breeze for him honestly. 
He'd done everything in two weeks, so next week he would be embarrassingly rolling across the stage to get his diploma. He wanted to sit it out, but his mom begged him to wear the stupid hat, the stupid gown and go down the stupid stage. So he was going to do it for her. She'd done more than enough for him.

Alex felt awful about Jack's birthday though. It was the 18th, and instead of doing anything, they just went to dinner and watched movies. All of Jack's favorites. Jack insisted that he wouldn't have wanted to do anything else, but Alex felt like shit. He was going to make it up to Jack as soon as these stupid casts were off. He promised that much, and it would be big.

Alex felt even worse because Jack had landed a job at Target. Not that he wasn't happy for Jack, it just meant that he'd be home while his boyfriend worked, and he wasn't a fan of that. However, it was only four hour shifts, and never at night so at least he wasn't gone all day.

(June 27th)

While Rian and Jack walked happily across the stage, Alex unhappily rolled down across it, glaring and blushing as his parents, Jack, Rian and Kathi cheered him on. He heard the people who used to bully the fuck out of him laughing. What joy he got over the fact that he'd never have to come to this shithole again.
Best part as well? Elise was officially 8 months old today.
So that's what Alex cared about. Fuck the graduation.

(July 4th)

Jack was at Target working, while Alex blew up his phone about how bored he was and how Elise was taking longer naps and how he couldn't move off the couch and when he could crutch his way to the bathroom, he almost fell every single time, how Rian was lazy and hadn't showed up yet, and the list goes on and on. Jack was putting away some books that people had left completely unorganized. He was annoyed but turned around to smile when he heard an "Excuse me?" From a guy.
This guy was cute, damn. Shorter than Jack by a couple inches, a little muscly but not buff by any means, brown hair that looks a little curly, gorgeous blue eyes. He was wearing jeans and a t shirt, nothing fancy. Jack smiled at him, "Hi, how can I help you?" He asked in a friendly voice.
"I was just wondering where I could find a different case for my phone" He held up his phone, but he blushed.
Jack smiled, "Yeah they're right down this way, here let me take you." He stopped what he was doing and lead the boy to the phone accessories aisle.
"Thank you," The brown haired boy smiled, "I uh. So I was actually trying to build up the courage to ask you if you were single...I think you're really cute. My name is Ben, by the way. Before I'm the awkward stranger with no name who asks you out." He spoke quietly, like he was nervous. 
Jack laughed a little at the last part, "I'm Jack, and I am actually spoken for, but thank you for asking. It's not often someone other than my boyfriend calls me cute." He chuckled.
Ben smiled a bit, "That's awesome. What's his name?" He asked curiously as he browsed phone cases. He really did need one.
"Alex." Jack sounded so happy as he spoke Alex's name, "I call him Lexy though at least ninety percent of the time." 
"My friends call me Bennett sometimes, or Benny. It's a little annoying to me sometimes, and yet I also really like it? That's confusing. What's Alex look like? Is he as cute as you?" He asked curiously.
Jack pulled up this gif of Alex that he made one day when Jack was filming him talking about some weird space documentary.

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