Get Better Soon

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(Song- Dark Blue - Jack's Mannequin)

(April 1st.)

Yesterday was normal. Alex and Jack just played daddy all day, having a lazy day with Elise. Jack wasn't feeling too hot by the end of the night though. He'd fallen asleep practically on top of Alex on the couch.
It was 9 PM, Elise was already in bed, so Alex and Jack were downstairs laying on the couch. Alex was on his back, and Jack was laying practically on top of him, snuggling close. Alex had his arms around his boy, rubbing his back and watching Home Alone, Jack's favorite of course. Before they'd eaten dinner, Jack had been saying his throat and head hurt, so they thought it best to just lay down and relax.
They were hardly halfway through when Alex looked down at Jack to see him laying there, sleeping with his mouth open. Jack never did that, maybe he was getting congested. He put his hand on Jack's forehead and frowned a little. His boy was warm. 
He turned the movie off and nudged Jack a little, "Babe..." He said quietly, smiling when Jack groaned just a tiny bit. He nudged him again, "Come on love, wake up." 
Jack huffed a little and opened his eyes, "What?" He muttered, sniffling and groaning a little.
"That's what. How do you feel?" Alex asked, putting his hand on Jack's forehead and cheeks again.
Jack buried his face in Alex's chest, "Gross." He muttered.
Alex smiled a tiny bit and rubbed his boy's back, "Come on, let's go take your temperature then get you up in bed. I'll bring you tea and get you all cozy." He waited til Jack got up, pushed himself up and took Jack upstairs to the bathroom. He took the first aid kit out and pulled out the thermometer. It was fancy ear one that they use at the doctor.
"102.6. Not awful, but still not good. Okay, let's get you some Tylenol." He got the bottle of Tylenol out of the medicine cabinet and gave Jack 2 tablets, "Come on, lets get you to bed." He took Jack to bed like he was his child, basically going into full blown dad mode. Jack got under the covers on what was now dubbed his side of the bed, considering Jack's mom didn't give a shit where Jack stayed, just because she worked a lot anyway, so he was allowed to stay here as long as he wanted to, so long as Isobel and Peter were okay with it. There was also the fact that Joyce, at this point, despite not officially meeting Alex yet, knew what had happened and knew how attached to Jack Alex had gotten and how quickly attached Jack got to Alex. He'd have to stay home eventually because of school but for all she knew, Alex would just trail along with him. The parents had spoken, so this was pretty much expected by now. Joyce had been welcomed into the mom train that consisted of Isobel, Kathi and now Joyce. All looking out for their boys while also taking care of Alex's mental state. Weird situation for a bunch of teenage boys, but honestly, there was an agreement among mothers that if their sons being around when needed meant that Alex would be okay, then so be it. Joyce and Isobel had also considered the fact that Jack's been in love with Alex since freshman year, while Alex pretended to hate him, and now here they are. 

Alex handed him the water bottle on the bedside table and watched Jack take his Tylenol.
"I'll be right back love." He kissed Jack's forehead, then went downstairs to make Jack some tea. He made Jack chamomile tea to help him sleep, he put only a tiny bit of honey in it and walked it back upstairs, where Jack was just sitting up against the pillows looking through his phone.
Alex smiled a little and handed Jack the tea, then got into bed next to him, and held his arms open. Jack snuggled against Alex and sipped his tea, "Thank you" He coughed a little.
Alex smiled and kissed his warm head, "Of course. Just finish your tea and relax okay? It'll make you feel a little better." He rested his head on top of Jack's. 
Jack finished his tea pretty quick because it felt so good on his throat. He handed Alex the cup who put it on the side table, "Can you lay down?" He asked.
Alex nodded and laid down, Jack moving himself pretty much on top of Alex again. He's clingy when he's sick. 
Alex chose to sing to him. Jack always liked it when he sang to Elise, so he'd sing to his Jacky boy too.

'I have (I have) you breathing down my neck (breathing down my neck)

I don't (don't know) what you could possibly expect under this condition so
I'll wait (I'll wait) for the ambulance to come (ambulance to come)
Pick us up off the floor
What did you possibly expect under this condition so

Slow down.. this night's a perfect shade of
Dark blue (dark blue)
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room when I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning down
Dark blue (dark blue)
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room well I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning 'til there's nothing but dark blue..
Just dark blue

This flood (this flood) is slowly rising up swallowing the ground
Beneath my feet, Tell me how anybody thinks under this condition so
I'll swim (I'll swim) as the water rises up, the sun is sinking down
And now all I can see are the planets in a row
Suggesting it's best that I slow down

This night's a perfect shade of
Dark blue (dark blue)
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room when I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning (burning) down
Dark blue (dark blue)
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room well I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning dark blue

We were boxing
We were boxing the stars
We were boxing (we were boxing)
You were swinging for Mars
And then the water reached the West Coast
And took the power lines (the power lines)
And it was me and you (this could last forever)
And the whole town under water
There was nothing we could do
It was dark blue

Dark blue (dark blue)
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room well I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning (burning) down
Dark blue
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room well I'm here with you
I said the room could be burning now there's nothing but dark blue

If you've ever been alone in the dark blue
If you've ever been alone you'll know (you'll know)'

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